I hope all of you had a fantastic Labor Day weekend – I know I did!
Time absolutely flew by (as it always does during long weekends), but the highlight was definitely attending the Coconut Grove Bed Races with my fellow derby sisters to push Tinker Tank‘s bed. For those of you that don’t know, I joined the Miami’s Vice City Rollers, Miami’s first roller derby team back in July. A few weeks later, I can honestly say that I have made a lot of great friends and learned so so much about technique and the game. Despite my hectic work schedule, I am trying to make it a priority and may have even suckered the hubs to jump on board as a ref! For all those interested in joining the team, we will be holding an open house on Sunday, September 18th. For more information, make sure to check out our website or Facebook fan page.
At first I was a little worried about skating down the streets of Coconut Grove since I haven’t gotten my outdoor wheels just yet, and the majority of the streets were at an incline. However, the hubs told me that he would mock me forever if I didn’t put my big girl panties on, so I did and am so happy that he always pushes me to challenge myself. Rolling down the street with my team and our amazing bed-skate, while pumping up the crowd and throwing beads was such an exhilarating experience.
Although we did not win the physical races (those teams were brutal), I personally think we won the best award of the day: best overall and crowd favorite. As we held our little trophy presented to us by Vanilla Ice (no joke), we couldn’t help but think that this is only the first of many. For our debut in the community, I think we did a fantabulous job and made a lot of connections and new friends.
I’m definitely excited for what’s to come!
MaDonna Flowers says
CUTE! So jealous!!
Ms.Phoebe Pinheiro says
Elsie1224 says
I’m so glad you won something!!! LOL. Sorry I didn’t stay for the remainder. I had a headache from hell. Ended up dumping my mom and sleeping for 2 hours in my dark room. Squeee for you and the girls! Here’s to many more shiny trophies! <3
Anonymous says
Oh my goodness, that sucks. 🙁
We’ll hook up again soon in A/C. 😉
Anika says
How fun!! I’m so glad you guys won something and had such a fabulous time.
Can’t wait to hear about all the adventures. 🙂
roxy rodriguez says
you are a cutie piessss 🙂