I’ve been inspired by some great blog swaps lately and wanted to host one of my own. I initially thought nail polishes since it is such an obsession hobby of mine, and I know a lot of you feel the same, but then I remembered that you cannot ship nail polish (I unfortunately learned the hard way). I continued to brainstorm and while shopping for sweet new accessories, it hit me!
Why don’t I pair up with the lovely Fashionable ESQ and offer a quarterly accessory swap based on a trend of our choosing? Everyone knows trends change like the tides in fashion, and one way to look the part without spending copious amounts of cash is to add those little pops to your wardrobe in the form of necklaces, headbands, lipstick, belts, etc. Think of it as a blogger not-so-secret Santa of sorts!

With that said, this quarter’s swap will be NEON!
You can purchase any accessory you wish for your blogger partner, as long as it is bright, loud & fun, and of course, matches their personal style (see below). Also, I will not set a spending limit, but stress that this does not have to be anything exorbitant. Remember, the whole point of these swaps is to stay fashionable with details that will not break the bank.
2. Three adjectives describing your personal style -or-
I will close the window to participate at the end of the week (1/22/12) and at that point, I will pair us all up!

Lori Todd says
You can ship nailpolish as long as it’s shipped ground. Just FYI. I have ordered a lot via mail and shipped it myself. Bubble wrap and ground is the trick!
k_relopez says
LOVE to be involved! 🙂
1. Blog: http://style-philes.blogspot.com/; E-Mail: stylephiles@hotmail.com
2./3. These two outfits pretty much sum up my style lately. Comfy, trendy with a little edge. http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=312461898791879&set=a.199676580070412.45184.175176542520416&type=3&theater & http://stylepantry.com/2011/12/16/gold-sequin-blazer-mens-chambray-shirt-leather-pants/
Anonymous says
Throwing myself into the mix for my eventual partner 😉
1. meli@melificent.com
2. kitschy, fun, bright
3. http://pinterest.com/pin/132645151494375590/
ThefashionableESQ says
I can play too, right?
My blog is: http://www.thefashionableesq.blogspot.com/
I’m defined by: classic but trendy & lawyerly. Just kidding. Trendy, Bright and Classic. Go to it.
roxy rodriguez says
1. roxy [dot] rodriguez [at] gmail dot com
2. feisty ;), unique, comfortable
3. http://www.grrfeisty.com/2011/10/what-i-worefoxy.html i suppose 🙂
Anonymous says
Of course you can play, silly!
Teresa @ Delightfully Darling says
I am in! So excited BTW!
email me at 365teresa@gmail.com or visit www,delightfullydarling.com
Classic, Girlie, and Audrey Hepburn-like would be three words that describe my style &
For fun, here is my style board: http://pinterest.com/teresaeveryday/daily-outfits/
yay 🙂
MaDonna says
Yeah, I got some from you. 😉 I’m wearing the red right now!!
Anonymous says
Hmmm, they told me flat out no at the post office!
Anonymous says
Hmmm, they told me flat out no at the post office!
Anonymous says
Hmmm, they told me flat out no at the post office!
Anonymous says
Hmmm, they told me flat out no at the post office!
Anonymous says
Hmmm, they told me flat out no at the post office!
Anonymous says
Hmmm, they told me flat out no at the post office!
Anonymous says
Hmmm, they told me flat out no at the post office!
Anonymous says
Hmmm, they told me flat out no at the post office!
ND says
Do I have to have a blog?
Anonymous says
At this time, yes. 🙁
That is how we are sharing how we styled each piece we received…