The Kills is one of my hubby’s favorite bands…and mine. For his birthday present, I got him tickets to see them in Paris last year during our Europe trip and they So naturally when we found out they were going to play in South Florida, we had to get tickets once again. Holy hell. Why are they so amazing? Add front row status, and we almost couldn’t handle it. Alison Mosshart is electric, hot, and magnetic (Jamie, you are not far behind, my friend).
Which leads me into why these photos may be a little…well, awkward looking. They were taken outside the venue a couple of hours before doors opened and Alison was literally down the street. I just could not concentrate on my best “fashion blogger stance/face/pose” because the level of cool in the air was raised an infinite amount of notches and I just could not compete. So ridiculous giggles and weird contorted faces resulted instead. Sorry for that.
Tee; Forever 21
Colored jeggings; TJ Maxx
Loafers; Target
Bangles; gifted
Black & White cuff; Forever 21
Necklace; Macy’s
Also, I still don’t know how I feel about skinny jeans. I feel like a dumpy sausage in them half the time. Granted, I know they are better worn with heels, but heels and concerts just don’t mix. What I do love are my new loafers from Tar-jay (I finally have flats). Aren’t they awesome?!? The best part is they come in a variety of colors, so my new mission is to pick them up in both pink and turquoise (colors only available online – curse shipping).
& can we just talk a minute about Alison Mosshart’s wedged bootie things? Because I LOVE THEM. Also, homegirl thrashed around so hard that she ripped her jeans in the crotch area. LOVE THAT TOO.
ThefashionableESQ says
I love the blue on you. I always like that electric blue color w/ black. You must buy a pair of the smoking loafers in leopard print 😀
I like your watermark. I need a smaller one for my pictures, I’ve decided.
Oh, sign up for this:
Anonymous says
Well thank you! I still kind of have a love/hate relationship with skinnies. I would love loafers in leopard! Let’s face it. I love anything in leopard. 😉
& thanks for that link – SWEETNESS!
Lori Todd says
Those blue jeggings are amazing and look so awesome on you!
Melissa says
Magnificent jeggings!
Anonymous says
Well thank you! I suppose I’ll keep them around 😉
Anonymous says
Thanks girlie!
Ruby Girl says
love your flashy style! those pants are kapow awesome! 🙂 xoxo <3 Lindsey of Ruby Girl {{}}
Anonymous says
Thanks so much Lindsey! Love your blog & thx for visiting mine! <3
Teresa @ Delightfully Darling says
Love these outfit pictures… also, now I am going to look into this orgasmic band/group 🙂
Anonymous says
I guarantee you will absolutely adore them!