Although I no longer have to wear it (I have a uniform), I really enjoy rocking the business casual. Mainly because I can make it my own and try my best not to stick to the boring basics. I personally believe that a good outfit can make you feel better about yourself, and your work day. Would you not agree? I know I always had a better day at work when I knew I looked good, and the same can apply to any environment. This is pretty easy to do with The Limited‘s Collins Shirt, which in a nutshell is a really fun and modern take on the basic work shirt. Its vibrant colors, loose fit and wide sleeves make it the perfect ingredient for any work outfit that can very well transition into after hour cocktails. And what girl doesn’t like that? 😉
Shirt; c/o The Limited
Skirt; Macy’s
Heels; GoJane
Earrings; Kate Spade
Necklace; gifted
Watch; Kenneth Cole
Bracelet; Forever21
Ring; Romwe
Purse; Target
ThefashionableESQ says
This outfit definitely suits your body type.It looks greatttttt. I love campy shirts like this. Want this blue one. <3
The Fashionable ESQ
MaDonna says
HOT mama! <33
Karen says
Love the style and colors in your outfit! You always look amazing!
Roxy says
grrrrrrrrr 🙂
Jackie Gutierrez-Jones says
The shirt looks super comfy – but really, the whole outfit is stylin’. Love the leopard print skirt combo!
Shes Blank says
Lori Ross says
LOVE!!! So beautiful!! <3
Anonymous says
Thanks for all the sweet comments, ladies!
Eli says
LOVE that shirt! I think I may need one for myself. Va-va-voom.