I’ve always lusted over Blu DOT home furnishings, but it’s always been just out of reach financially. So I was content admiring from afar. You can only imagine my reaction when I saw that they decided to partner up with Target for a more affordable collaboration! I’m pretty sure that is nothing new, and I am late to this game, but I am excited either way. The console featured above is one of my favorite pieces and would fit great in our quirky and fun living room. What’s your fav?

Brown kraft paper is my favorite for effortless, yet pretty packaging. It’s always so easy to make it look stylish. Case in point: this lovely favor (which would be great for kids’ parties) emblazoned with only a name using gold stickers. How simple yet chic is that?

Speaking of things that can be surprisingly chic, who knew your old & empty honey bear containers could result in something so adorable and unique? Just make sure they are nice & clean, then paint them a nice bright metallic and voila! I think this would be such an adorable shower centerpiece for those ladies that are looking for a rustic feel.

This is just the most precious idea ever. We’ve all been there: every day seems worse than the previous, nothing can seem to get a smile on your face, and you’d like the planet to just swallow you whole. Sound familiar? Well, how wonderful would it be if you received a little “happy pill box” from one of your friends? Each day with a sweet little note or chocolate is sure to turn that frown upside down. Too bad wine doesn’t fit in those teeny little slots.

Gold animals seem to be all the rage, and Dwell is only feeding the frenzy with this ridiculously cute elephant. It would look perfect on your dresser or in your baby’s nursery. It’s just that versatile. So versatile, in fact, that it is no longer in stock (cue sobbing). Good news is, if you are not riding high on the gold trend and have lots of patience, you can pick one up in silver and comfort yourself through the back order period.
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