Hi everyone!!! I’m back from our adventures in the UK/Ireland and although I am semi-depressed to be back home and faced with reality, I am glad to be back to my regular routine, which includes blogging! Hope you didn’t miss me too much!
The best thing to get home to is a sweet and flattering award from a fellow blogger. I received the Liebster Blog Award from OmniVogue earlier today and it kind of made my day. According to those nominated, it is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers because of their blogging coolness. Well, thank you!

Here are the questions I was asked to answer:
What made you decide to start blogging? I have been “blogging” since I was about 18 years old, only back then it was called Livejournal (or the ElJay as the kids used to say). I loved all the friendships I made literally across the globe, so I wanted to continue in a more legit way. At first, I thought I would be creating a celebrity blog. Funny how things unravel themselves.
How did you come up with your blog name? My wonderful Livejournal (and eventually real-life friend), Megan, started calling me Melificent and it just stuck. I loved that it could be a reference for my favorite Disney villain as well.
What is your favourite thing about blogging? The connections and friendships I have made. Nothing has really changed from the Livejournal days.
What have you formally studied? (have you studied anything fashion related or not?) Psychology and Applied Behavior Analysis. I have never studied fashion, but putting together outfits has always been a hobby of mine.
How do you stay grounded in the fashion industry? Well, I don’t consider myself to be part of the fashion industry per say, but I have been exposed to the fashion blogger community down here in South Florida and it can indeed be cut throat and clique-ish. I don’t subscribe to that kind of behavior so I mainly just try my best to stay true to myself, my personality and what I want to stand for as a Miami blogger.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Most probably a mom and hopefully starting a business of my own.
What is your favourite fashion era/movement (modern or historic) and why? 1920’s because it was so daring, fun and glamorous.
What is your opinion of SA fashion? (Do you love it? hate it? is it lacking? prices?) I have to admit I don’t know what SA refers to.
When you were little, what did you dream of becoming? I wanted to be a veterinarian. I adored animals (still do) and always wanted to be around them (at times even pretending to be them).
What is your day job? I’m a BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) that mainly works with autistic children doing in-home therapy. Although not an easy job, I love it so so much.
lauren says
Awesome 🙂 thanks for answering. SA refers to South Africa…would be interested to know what outsiders think of South African fashion.
Elsie Rodriguez says
Glad to have you back! And congrats on the award. Muah!