Brought to you by The Nerdy Girlie & Super Space Chick
This week’s prompt could not be more appropriate! I was so excited to see another fashion-themed topic, although this one proved to be a tough one! I adore so many characters’ sense of style so it was difficult to narrow down, but here are my top 5!
1. Jess {New Girl}; although I’m no longer a fan of the show (it just got old), I am obsessed with Jess’ wardrobe. I think it has something to do with the fact that Zoey Descahnel just decided to dress like herself because her every day wardrobe basically looks exactly the same. She’s one of my fashion icons, so…yeah, total no brainer.
2. Snow {Once Upon a Time}; I feel like such a hater on this post, but here is another show I completely lost interest in. Oops! But, I immediately was drawn to Snow’s modern day fashion sense. It was somewhere between kitschy and preppy that made my inner Kate Spade squee with joy.
3. Carrie {Sex & the City}; a girl after my own adventurous heart. I loved the risks Carrie was willing to take with her fashion choices. Sometimes they were a mess, but most times they were an ultimate win – much like most girls that like experimenting with different looks.
4. Emma {Glee}; The most adorable wardrobe on a guidance counselor’s salary I have ever laid eyes on. But seriously, Emma’s looks were so whimsical-geeky – they had me swooning with each episode (well, at least for as long as Glee was a good show).
5. Marianne {Pirate Radio}; if you haven’t seen this movie, do yourself a favor and watch it! It’s beyond cute, but also has some incredible 60’s fashion (and music, naturally). I fell in love with Marianne and her completely adorable outfits. I would seriously replicate them for any decades party, and actually think a lot of them can be minorly tweaked to look a lot like Zoey’s style!
Alex_Kay says
Love these! I went a bit more extravagant with my picks and realized I REALLY need to cosplay a medieval-esque character 🙂
Paola from Coral Gables Love says
I also got tired of New Girl after the second season. I think they lost their writers to The Mindy Project; but Zoey is also my fashion inspiration. I absolutely adore her style!
❤︎ Paola
Kate (ChikSolo) says
I love your list! I don’t watch these shows, but from what you’ve posted I would definitely steal these characters’ wardrobes!
melificent says
I don’t watch the majority of them anymore either! lol.
melificent says
Glad I’m not the only one! And I can definitely see Zoey’s influence on your style 🙂
melificent says
I didn’t even think to do it that way!!! I would have had a lot more choices if I had!!!
Katya Owu says
I love Jess Day!! She always has the cutest outfits!!
Kendall Ashley says
This is a great list! I love Jess and Emma’s style! I love Carrie’s, too, but I don’t think I could ever pull off the stuff she does!
Usagi says
Love the list… I stopped watching GLEE after the third season but would always check out worn on tv sites to see what Emma wore. And I need to check out Pirate Radio. Sounds really cool.
heatherbquinn says
Love your list! Mine’s here: