Brought to you by The Nerdy Girlie & Super Space Chick
1. TARDIS; Yeah yeah, surely on everyone’s list would be the TARDIS. But, I mean, who doesn’t want to travel across time and space with the Doctor? Can I pick which regeneration I’d like to travel with? Because it’s 10 or nothing! 😉
2. Delorean; Being a huge Back to the Future fan, I had to choose the Delorean. Kind of similar to the TARDIS, who doesn’t want to time travel? Although I’m not sure I would visit my parents when they were young, I’d definitely want to visit the 20’s, 50’s and 60’s!
3. Dragon; OK, so a dragon is not technically a “vehicle” but I’d definitely like to ride one across the realms of my kingdom (naturally). Although Drogon or Smaug would be in my top dragons, I’d take a ride on Toothless too. 😉
4. Flight of the Navigator Craft; This choice may show my age, but I absolutely loved this movie when I was a kid. Although retro and a little silly, I’d definitely take the chance to hop on the craft from Flight of the Navigator and take it for a little joy ride.
5. Hogwarts Express; Another give in for geeks, but being a huge Potterhead, I cannot resist. I’ve gotten pretty close to riding this baby thanks to Universal Studio’s creating such a beautiful replica to take you between parks, but obviously nothing could beat the “real” thing. Just please, no Dementors on board.
B. says
I think the TARDIS might end up being the winner this week!
Summer says
YES! Flight of the Navigator! I thought about that while making my list too!
DolphinPatronus aka Estee says
I like the Hogwarts’ Express but The Knight Bus seems like a pretty exciting ride.
Gwen Stacy says
I also picked the Hogwarts Express..I mean…who wouldn’t want to ride it?
Usagi says
Yes!!! Flight of the Navigator!!! OMG!!
Anika Guldstrand says
Oh man have we ever discussed our mutual love of Flight of the Navigator??? Probably one of my first ever sci-fi loves! <3
ALifeMoreKawaii says
Whoa, we have 3 outta 5 similar! I have TARDIS, the Delorean and a dragon!!! ^_^ Jen and I both posted a list on my blog this week, for this prompt. It’s SO GOOD.
Alice - The Geeky Burrow says
I’m seeing the Hogwarts Express everywhere and I’d love to travel in it with you all geek girls!! 🙂
E-Rad's Cantina says
Oh, a dragon totally counts!