A half birthday. What?
How on earth did my tiny IUGR baby get half way to one year so quickly? A little after her 5 month mark, she started attempting to sit up and now she loves to sit unassisted and look at her world from a different angle. She’s giggly and fun, and adores to watch YouTube (she smiles every time the logo comes up on our TV). She is just starting to show some interest in cartoons (I’ve been watching My Little Pony with her), and shrieks when she is excited about something (the signs of a budding fangirl, for sure). She’s also eating solids and hasn’t rejected one yet (although some icky reactions have caused us to discontinue). I can’t believe all the milestones my little one has reached and find myself getting really nostalgic for those early days. I’ve been looking at pictures of her birth, and wanting the hubs to finish editing the birth video so I can relive that day. It’s not baby fever, because I still have a baby and do not want to get pregnant again anytime soon, so I really don’t know what to call it aside from nostalgia.
Time is moving really fast – the weeks fly by, I barely have time to take the moments in, but I try as hard as I can. I find myself getting really emotional about the passing of time and want to hold on desperately before everything just slips through the cracks. Did this just get overly dramatic?
I guess the feelings I’m trying to describe here are to not take any moments for granted and to really enjoy what you are given when you are given it. I do not know what I did to deserve this amazing little person that has made us a family, but I plan on being thankful for it every day of my life.
Happy half, Luna.
In just 6 months, you have made me an infinitely better person.
B. says
It’s crazy how quickly babies and kids grow! She’s adorable.
Danielle Knapp says
Happy half birthday, sweet Luna! August and I were watching baby videos of him this morning and it really is amazing how fast this parenthood thing just flies by <3
Elsie Rodriguez says
I feel the same with Z! I hate that I will have to go back to work soon and barely get to spend time with her. Time is going by so fast!
Kay says
Happy half birthday to your baby girl! It is so unreal how quickly it goes by. I just looked through albums of my little one when she was an infant and I can’t believe how tiny she was! It goes so fast.
gamerwife says
What a beautiful, bright little girl. Happy half birthday, Luna.
Aimee Julia says
Aww this is such a beautiful post! And Luna is such a beautiful baby! Happy half birthday Luna! x http://www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x
Natasha says
Awww, Luna is such an adorable little one – happy half birthday to her! – Tasha
melificent says
It really is insane! Thanks 🙂
melificent says
I can only imagine the way you feel looking at August as a baby!
melificent says
When I think about putting her in day care, I get super depressed.
melificent says
Thank you – it really is unreal, isn’t it?
melificent says
Aw thank you Mariko!
melificent says
Thanks Aimee!
melificent says
Thanks so much!
Natasha says
More than welcome!