I can’t really explain being a mommy because I feel like it never makes any sense unless you are a mom yourself. I know before I was a mom, I didn’t understand when people would tell me they were wrecked, but so infinitely happy. What? How is that possible? Isn’t a full 8 hours of sleep and weekly mental health days needed to live a happy life? Haha.
I am the most tired and overwhelmed I have ever felt in my entire life. I have no idea what time is because I have zero of it. I have not seen the latest blockbuster and haven’t visited the newest Miami hot spot. Three drinks no longer get me drunk, they get me sleepy. My roots are basically down to my ears and I am covered in white hairs. My eyebrows haven’t been plucked in months and my nail polish is constantly chipped (or not there at all). I have bags under my eyes for the first time in my life. I can barely keep up with work and am absent from most social functions. Short skirts are no longer a part of my wardrobe.
But I’m the happiest I have ever been. See what I mean? It makes no sense.
But that’s just the way it is. I see the world with new, shinier and sparklier lenses. I have a reason to do everything I do besides for myself (which, don’t get me wrong, is more than enough). And I feel love and appreciation in such powerful ways on a daily basis that I can say with 100% certainty I never felt before. There is a smile on my face more days than not, and it’s so nice.
I’ve realized what is important in life, and what is not now that I have to be very selective as to what I do with my life, how I spend it and with whom. It’s been such a major shift, and I’m still adjusting, but it’s been an amazing ride so far. I still need my “me time,” and I don’t get it often between work, baby, hosting geek girl brunch events and blogging, but when it does happen, I appreciate it so much more and it’s magical.
I couldn’t live without my power mama’s that have helped me get through this transition and are constantly supportive. I am so freakin’ lucky that the majority of my most amazing friends and I got pregnant around the same time. I don’t know what I’d do without them, their advice and just their company (even though most of the time, it is via text or snapchat). I’d like to think of us as mini Knopes – trying to rock our lives, being the best moms we can be and still remembering what it is to be us.
Parks & Rec tee; c/o Strangeways Studio
Peter Pan Collar; eBay
Shorts; Uniqlo {similar}
Boots; Target {similar}
Lipstick; Colourpop’s Matte X Lippie Stix in Back Up
That’s why it is so important to have your tribe. Women have to support each other, and it gets me so sad when I see how competitive and terrible we can be to each other. We need each other, ladies. It is one of the reasons I created Geek Girl Gang – I wanted a product that also could produce a positive community – our girl gang. Without each other, we fall. Remember what Knope taught us: uteruses before duderuses.
Danielle Knapp says
I love this post – you sum up motherhood perfectly! Love the Knope shirts and uteruses before duderuses forever!
Elsie Rodriguez says
Yes! I couldn’t agree more with every word you said. I love you, monkey!
gamerwife says
Well, you’re doing something right. That is a bright, happy baby!
melificent says
Aw thanks love!
melificent says
And I love you!!!!
melificent says
Aw, thanks. It was kind of a written diarrhea at the time, so I hoped it would make sense when posted. Then again, motherhood doesn’t always make sense 😉
Natasha says
Awww, I love these photos, they’re just so sweet and it’s so easy to see why you’re so happy because you’re both beaming away. I love the pins and badges on your Geek Girl Gang shop as well. – Tasha
melificent says
Aw thank you! She’s the happiest little thing 😀
Natasha says
She is!
Kay says
I feel like you are rocking motherhood; so glad your are enjoying it all! Luna is just such a cutie pie! I feel like I had no concept of ‘free time’ before having a kid and then realizing JUST HOW MUCH OF IT I had pre-baby. Now, having a day where I can just bum around and do whatever I want all day are basically non-existent…I don’t remember the time when I wasn’t constantly thinking about another person every second of every day. So crazy how your perspective shifts so drastically, so quickly!
melificent says
Oh my goodness, thank you Kay!
& you couldn’t have said it better!