I am no stranger to sticker subscriptions and agenda madness. You see, if I didn’t have an agenda, I wouldn’t remember anything and would basically be lost in this world. And agendas aren’t agendas without sticker flair, amirite? That’s why I was so stoked to check out Sticker Swap. You get new stickers every month, and they feature such a wide variety made by independent artists that they are sure to cater to everyone’s interests.
I mean, what were the chances that I would get a cafetera in my bundle? For those of you not in the know, this little contraption on the bottom right of the photo above is what makes the wondrous black fuel that most Miami mamas live off of: Cuban coffee (i.e., “cafecito”). I need to find the perfect spot for this sticker because it is literally too good to be true.
I had way too much fun pestering my dogs with this angry pug sticker, and decided to make my newest journal a little more fan-riffic by adding the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man sticker onto it. It kinda looks like it belongs there, right? Now every time I go to vent and release all my anxiety in my journal, I immediately find myself smiling. Success.
So if you want to jump on the bandwagon and get yourself a subscription starting at only $9 (+ free worldwide shipping!), visit the site and use my promo code MALEFICENT50 for 50% off your first month!
Disclosure; Sticker Swap provided me with this month’s pack in exchange for this blog post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
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