You might as well cue those post con blues because I’m feeling them, geeks.
It’s very hard to put my thoughts and feelings about this con into words. It was very different from others. I sat (nervously) on my first panel, I met incredibly talented people, cosplayed for the first time (in SD) and had a lot of fun. It was my first extensive amount of time away from my daughter (oh, I cried), and helped me gain some confidence with my projects.
Unfortunately, the one thing that went wrong while at con this year (aside from not running into the cast of The Magicians – whomp whomp) is that my extra lithium battery and charger were confiscated without my knowledge when I had to check my bag at the very last minute before boarding to San Diego. This meant I could barely take photos with my Canon while I was there – leaving only my iPhone to do the work. It was a big bummer, but I made the best of it!
I have to say I struggled to put together outfits for this trip. I thought they were all “eh” at best, with juggling a very demanding 9-5, Geek Girl Gang and a toddler. However, I loved the way they all ended up coming together, and wanted to share them all with you!
Day 1;
Tee – Geek Girl Gang
Shorts – Old Navy
Nite 1;
Vintage crop – 1138 Clothing
Skirt – Lularoe
Day 2;
Tee – Geek Girl Gang
Vest – AliExpress
Pins – Makers tagged
Jeans – Forever 21
Kicks – Target
Day 3;
Bodysuit – Forever 21
Pants – eBay
Boots – Love Culture {similar}
Capelet, arm bands, belt – made by friend
Nite 3;
Top – Forever 21 {similar}
Skirt – TeeFury
Jordan Ellis says
you looked adorable all weekend <3
Elsie Rodriguez says
Love it all!!
Danielle Knapp says
I loved seeing all off your outfits on Instagram this weekend!
Ana Ma Jácome says
All your outfits are amazing!!! You looked so Chic <3
Anika Guldstrand says
Yup you looked totally fab all weekend! & at least you got some photos despite TSA being the woooooorst. 😉
Also just realized your Night 1 and Night 3 outfits are almost a flip of the top and bottom! Ha.
B. says
You look fantastic, as always!
❤Cate❤ says
Awesome outfits, you look so cute xoxo
♥ Cateaclysmic ♥
Monica Delmonico says
All of your outfits are so cute! Wish I could have gone to SDCC!
Kyla says
These outfits are all so cute! Both my faves are the Day 3 looks 🙂 I hope one day I’ll be able to go to SDCC.
Nina says
Cutie pie!!
Kay says
They all look fantastic!