You know, this definitely shows my age but I am loving this 90’s trend in fashion these days. The other day, I went shopping and it brought a really big smile to my face to see things I used to lust over as a teenager but clearly could not convince my mom to buy. Hours and hours sifting through the latest Delia’s catalog and circling my favorites, which then led to calculating how much the grand total would be. It was always hundreds and hundreds of dollars (shopaholic since birth). It has been really strange being able to nab stuff off my teen wishlists, but I have to say, it’s been a complete trip to get to wear things from my youth.
I especially love the back to school collection from Boohoo because it looks like it came straight from Cher Horowitz’s closet, and I am so down with that. Like, if you were a 90’s teen and didn’t emulate her, were you even a 90’s girl? I personally wished that I had her revolving closet (and still do to be honest), but looking through this collection was the next best thing. I am beyond obsessed with these overalls, and I’m sorry for all my readers because you are going to see them over and over and over again. Can you imagine them paired with Mickey ears? Ugh, I can’t.
Crop top, overalls, shades, backpack; c/o Boohoo
Shoes; Target
Watch; c/o Riverdean
*All images shot by Agustin Sanchez
❤Cate❤ says
Those overalls are so cute, I always look like a potato in them but you look so beautiful it’s such an adorable look xoxo
♥ Cateaclysmic ♥