Lets be real. Even though I play my “highlight reel” on all social medias just like every other blogger, or person honestly, on the Internets, I have my bad days. I have been honest about my therapy journey this year, and how I’ve been working on me. Sometimes people think “working on yourself” looks pretty 24/7, but it’s not. A lot of it is ugly stuff, and a lot of it will cause fractions in your day to day as you attempt to find the balance and equilibrium to a better you and, in turn, a better life.
Although at times this journey has felt very isolating, I feel a new me brewing. I like to think that it’s perfect timing with 40 looming so close. I am learning new skills at this age, and it’s kind of refreshing – do you know the power of boundaries??? Because I apparently didn’t, and it’s been revolutionary for my anxiety and stress levels. But I digress…even with the help of a therapist (ps; I’ve been using TalkSpace), I still can always use an extra nudge in the right directions on certain days. That’s why I wanted to share some really inspirational Instagram accounts that I have found recently that have really spoken to me on a very deep level. I’ve found them to be just as healing as a therapy session at times, and I wanted to possibly help you all if you too are going “through it,” as the kids say.
I’m a firm believer that social media can be powerful and used for good. And I love that these accounts are doing just that.
Wow is this account RAW. I can’t even remember how I stumbled on it, maybe it was on my explore page (which if you haven’t really used, you should. I’ve found some stellar stuff), but when I did, I couldn’t stop saving nearly every post. It was almost like someone was reading every single thought that I have kept in my heart + soul, too afraid to unleash onto the world. If you are anxious and sensitive, this is the place for you where you can feel understood for feeling all the feels.
I discovered this account through Evangeline Lilly (if you don’t follow her, do it. She’s such an amazing human and really brings a lot of value to my IG feed), and I just have found it to be so beautiful. It reminds me of the beauty in the small things and that it’s okay to be ME, to be different because that’s what makes me special. On days where I’m feeling overwhelmed, this account centers me, and since it’s so easily accessible, it’s a wonderful tool to have in your arsenal on bad days.
This account has been a favorite for some time, but it has just recently resonated deeply with me. Not only is it a great space for those of us that feel all the things, but also is a great proponent for strength IN sensitivity. A lot of people think being sensitive equals being weak and it is something I have had to deal with for the majority of my life. Just because you cry, does not mean that you cannot get things done and/or are not in control. One of my favorite slogans of theirs is “sensitive and strong as hell.” The two are not mutually exclusive and I love that this account is trying to break that stigma.
Do you have any accounts to add to this list that help you grow, feel safe and be patient with yourself?
Let me know in the comments!
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