Saturday brought on the Buzz Bake Sale in West Palm Beach with two of my favorites: Elissa & Roxy. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I was mostly there for both Metric, Our Lady Peace and 30 Seconds to Mars. I left feeling the same. The rest of the bands were god awful – in fact, I don’t know how people can listen to such crappy music. To be fair, I didn’t hear any of the bands on the side stage except for Metric so I can’t count them in the terrible category. But Say Anything, Sick Puppies, The Used and Chevelle made my ears want to bleed. Panic! At the Disco still didn’t win me over (just not my kind of music), but I have to admit that the lead singer’s voice was outrageous. Matisyahu was really great as well, but unfortunately, I just caught the tail end of his performance.