Wednesday night I joined a bunch of my friends at Ft. Lauderdale’s Revolution LIVE to see She Wants Revenge. I have to admit that I came into it pretty clueless when it came to any details about the band. I had just heard a couple of singles and found them fun to dance to. One of my best friends, Elsie, is a huge fan and when she invited me to come along with her – I decided what the hell! I am so glad I went! First off, it turns out a large group of our friends were going so being able to spend a night dancing with some of my favorite people is always a win in my book. Second, one of the opening bands was Kill Hannah, who are a Chicago band that have had a long friendship with Mr. Billy Corgan himself! It was my first time seeing them and they were amazing – could definitely hear the strong Pumpkins influence. However, I was too chicken to go up to them after the show and express our mutual SP love. Fail. Lastly, wow. She Wants Revenge definitely blew me away – they were so.much.fun. I danced until I couldn’t feel my toes anymore! But what happened after the show was probably the best part of the night. We were able to meet the band & two of my friends got their SWR lyrical tattoos signed by both members, Adam & Justin! They were quite possibly the coolest guys ever – I always love meeting celebrities that don’t take themselves so seriously. Unfortunately, I just discovered that Adam was passing a kidney stone that night through his Twitter account! I can’t believe he was going through so much pain but still managed to be so polite to his fans: he chatted them up, signed autographs and took pictures with all of them. Not to mention headed to LIV at the Fountainbleu in Miami to spin a set after our show! I think it’s pretty safe to say that these guys just got themselves a new fan.