All of you know by now (thanks to last week’s Lovable Friday post) that I’m a Twilight fan and although I do play the part of crazy fangirl, I don’t like the cheese that comes along with it. When I fangirl, I like to do so with class and these shirts from Spreadshop do the trick and then some! Their simple listing of names for each “family” whether it be the Cullen’s, Quileute’s or Volturi are a pretty immediate indicator as to your “team” when it comes to the Twilight series. They don’t stop at families either. More of a fan of emotionally complex love triangles? Check out their Bella&Jacob&Edward shirt. Which one am I picking up? The Cullen family, of course.

While on our Valentine’s date to IKEA, I picked up 3 of these great decorative trees. They were only $4.99 and add instant style to any space. Unfortunately, they are not available to buy online, but I definitely recommend heading to your local IKEA store and picking some up before they disappear!

So I’m perfectly aware that I am the last person on Earth to hear of this band, but they were described to me by my cousin as being similar to Death Cab for Cutie and I was immediately turned off. Sorry, there is no Death Cab love here. Way too emo for my taste. Sorry, Zooey Deschanel. Either way, I decided to give their album a chance after hearing a great track off of it (& even including it on my first mixtape) and I instantly fell in love. They want to make me dance and smile until my cheeks hurt. Plus, they are so freaking adorable. Look at this picture! I just want to pinch their little noses. Also for the the record, I hear no Death Cab similarities. You are crazy, Alex.

I stumbled upon this adorable word art on the Making It Lovely blog earlier this week and fell in love. I adore the new letter|word decor trend going around lately and have been desperately seeking for a “good word” to place somewhere in our home. Although I still haven’t found one to fit any of our personal mantras, Feather Your Nest has some great ones available now.

Ever since I was a little girl, I adored headbands. All types. My only complaint was that they gave me a headache when they were too tightly smashed against the back of my ears (ouch!). Otherwise, I still think they are so fun & girly. I buy headbands all the time and have recently been drawn to the bigger & bolder styles such as the one pictured above by Handle & Spout. They are so stylish & so affordable – I would buy one right now if it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t think I have yet grown the balls to sport it in public, especially in Miami where quirky style (my personal fav) is not exactly accepted with open arms.
Roxæ says
Hooray for Vampire Weekend!
I have to wonder, why not Edward&Bella&Jacob or Jacob&Bella&Edward? Seems fitting that she should be in the middle of that mythical creature sandwich.
Meli says
I thought exactly the same, Rox.
& Vampire Weekend makes me squee.