Next week the hubs and I will be heading to the west coast to join in the festivities for his cousin’s high school graduation in Folsom, CA. Although we will only have one day to enjoy the amazing-ness that is San Francisco, I will take it! The hubs grew up in the Bay Area so no doubt his heart strings will be pulled hard and tight – can’t make any promises that we will want to come back! 😉 This also means that Melificent will be devoid of any posts next week, so try not to miss me too much! Hopefully I’ll return with some great posts about my trip. On an aside, I have no idea what to pack for our day in SF! This Miami girl does not know how to handle drastically changing day-to-night weather! Yipes!

Say that 5 times fast! The always amazing and creative Threadless have decided to buy into the Twitter madness and have asked their fans to submit ideas for Twitter t-shirts via tweets! And to make it even better, if you submit a tweet that gets printed, you win $500! And it doesn’t stop there – if you nominate a tweet that gets printed, you win $140! So check out the Threadless site as well as their twitter account (@threadless). I desperately want the tee featured above, but have been very naughty buying concert merchandise so I must curve my t-shirt addiction! 🙁

On Wednesday, Summit announced that Comic Con would host a panel for the newest movie based off the Twilight Saga, New Moon. They stated that it would be on Thursday’s (7/23) schedule (time TBD). Needless to say, Thursday tickets were sold out by the next day! As all of you know, I’ll be attending Comic Con for all 4 days come July, so this is great news! Although I am not a huge fan of the movies (OK, maybe a little), it will be very neat to see the cast and possibly get some sneak peeks of what we can expect to see in the new movie. I have high hopes that this one will be better than the first installment, but now I’m re-thinking it after reading a post on Perez Hilton (please don’t judge). We get into San Diego Thursday morning, so I’m hoping the panel will be scheduled sometime in the afternoon – I would hate to miss it! Although, I have to say I am very scared of the “Twi-hards” that will surely be running amok throughout the convention center and sleeping overnight on the sidewalk to attend this panel. Do you think full body armor will fit in my luggage?

I have wanted to tattoo a song lyric for as long as I can remember. I just find handwritten/text tattoos to be so beautiful, plus I am a quote whore. For a time, I kept a journal full of my favorite song/movie/poetry quotes. The hubs has decided to get one as well and has already picked his lyric (funny enough, a Smashing Pumpkins one!), but I am having a very difficult time choosing my own. Do I want it to be a Pumpkins quote? Do I want it to be poetry? So far, my favorite is “the only magic I believe in is love,“ which fits me pretty perfectly but I’m just not ready to commit yet! I also haven’t picked a location, which will be another tough decision! Got any suggestions, people? 😉

Lord knows, if we had a child right now, he or she would be signing up for the Apple Camp faster than fast! Apple stores will be offering summer camps for children between the ages of 8 to 12 consisting of movie, music, photo and presentation workshops. Each (free!) workshop is three hours and focuses on either making movies, recording & writing music or creating photo slide shows depending on your child’s interest. Sign your little Mac-head for one or all four! If you’re interested, sign up online or at any retail Apple store. Damn, I wish I could be a kid again!
Elsie says
wtf? why didn’t we have cool shit like apple camp when we were kids? i totally want to go to this! damn the age limit. first potions class and now this. apple is so freaking cool.
Meli says
I still haven’t fully recovered from potions class. 😐
Megs says
My tat that’s coming soon will be “born to blossom, bloom to perish” which is obv No Doubt. I’m doing the first part on my left foot, the second part on my right! I heart lyrical tats- I once saw a girl with Incubus lyrics (from the Warmth) on her back and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
I am so jealous about the New Moon panel. Be sure to bring good juice back! 😉
Meli says
LOVE IT!!!! “Don’t stop inspiring me” was yet another choice of mine 😉 I’m pretty sure I’ve decided on “Destroy the mind, destroy the body, but you cannot destroy the heart” (Pumpkins), but I’m going to sit on it for awhile and try to decide where I would put it.
I hope we are able to make it to the panel – looks like it is going to be madness!