I know that I had mentioned that I was mad at Billy Corgan for his “relationship” with Jessica Simpson (he now states he was only spending time with her because he was doing the theme song for her new VH1 show…hmph), but I can never be mad at his music. So far, the two new releases off the Smashing Pumpkins’ new album, Teargarden by Kaleidyscope, have been amazing as usual. They are being released for free (you can download them here), but knowing that there will be those rabid fans that need a physical release to cherish for years, Corgan decided to have special edition box sets. The first one will be available on April 20th and is now available for pre-order. Each box contains a 4-song CD, a 7″ vinyl single (containing a new song and a B-Side), and a hand-carved “leopard stone” obelisk, about 2″ tall, similar to marble (??). You know I’ll be placing my order!

I can’t seem to stop posting about cupcakes! And I doubt any of you want me to – who doesn’t love them? One aspect of baking cupcakes that always dismays me is that I just can’t decorate them the right way to make them look as good as they taste. I’m just not talented enough (or maybe don’t have the tools) to do so. Cue Ticings! They provide decorative edible sheets of icing in fun patterns and designs that you just “peel and stick” and voila! Instant cuteness! I think I may have to pick up these sheets for my future Eclipse party. What do you think girls? 😉

I am absolutely and completely addicted to this iPhone application. I just can’t help myself. At red lights, during meetings, on the can – I need an intervention! Believe it or not, before downloading this app, I had never played a game of Scrabble in my life! But now I am slowly catching on and am in love. So if you too have Words with Friends, please add me! My user name is Melificent. Obviously. And if you don’t have it, download it, but prepare to lose any semblance of efficiency during your working hours.

It’s not often that we get tweets from No Doubt’s official account, but we got a pretty sweet one last night from Ms. Gwennie Gwen Gwen herself. About to write a hit? Hell yes! I am so excited to see what they come up with and even more so if it means they will be out on the road again. Plus, the tweet was followed by a series of adorable Photobooth photos. Love these people!

I think Tim Burton is a genius. Say what you will: he always uses the same actors, always tells the same creepy story, is not original anymore, etc. All total lies. The man is outstanding and knows how to tell a story like no one else out there. It’s not his fault his muse is the ridiculously amazing, Johnny Depp, who can basically morph into any character you can conjure up. Anywho, I’ve been excited about his take on Alice in Wonderland for months now and it’s finally being released next week! We are picking up tickets for the 3-D showing at Cinebistro opening night – can hardly contain my excitement!!! And the rumor mills are churning that he may be telling the timeless tale of Sleeping Beauty (my favorite Disney movie ever) from the perspective of Maleficent, only the best villian in Disney history and my blog’s namesake as his next project. Um, YES PLEASE.
Adri says
Love the cupcake ticings and can’t wait to see Alice in Wonderland. The Sleeping Beauty version from Maleficent’s perspective would be amazing! I, too, <3 Tim Burton!
Tammy says
OMG! Alice in Wonderland! Yessss!!!! Can’t wait!!! And Mel, Sleeping Beauty is my fave movie too!!!! I hope he does it!!! And I agree, Johnny Depp is an amazing actor!
Anika says
I feel like I made a cameo in this entry! 😉
Yay Words with Friends. <3