I’ve always been a big fan of Christopher Nolan’s work ever since I saw Memento (one of my top 10 movies of all time), so you can imagine how excited I was when I first saw the trailer for Inception a couple of months ago. I think the hubs and I were rendered speechless after it came on during a random commercial break. Talk about orgasmic visuals! Plus, I really dig the concept of creating, controlling and implanting dreams especially after all those lectures on Jung during my schooling. And Mr. Nolan could not have collected a better or more talented cast to tell his story. I have to be honest, I haven’t been this excited for a movie in a long time (all the silly Twilight-ness doesn’t count). I got my tickets – did you?

I have to thank the hubs for this amazing discovery. He randomly sent me an email with a link to a blog that he thought I would enjoy. He does this often so I didn’t really think too much of it. Until I clicked on it and found that I could not fully handle the level of awesome that is Hyperbole and a Half. It consists of the day-to-day happenings in the life of Allie Brosh, who has to be one of the funniest individuals on the entire planet Earth. And as if her stories weren’t amazing enough, she also illustrates them. I spent a good hour sitting on my couch (and later bed) laughing so hysterically that tears were running down my face. So go ahead, click on the link, but be warned, you will spend more time on it than you anticipated and will be dying of laughter in .234 seconds. Prepare yourself.

Oh this show. It is trash, pure trash. Pure shit-smelling, brain melting, ridiculously entertaining trash. And I watch it with a big smile on my face. How awesome was this week’s episode? It was a total clusterfuck of broken heels, pulled weaves and quote worthy phrases. Resident psychopath, Danielle, went completely mental on slow but feisty, Teresa, and the fight was on! Although no punches were actually thrown, Jacqueline’s daughter, Ashley, did a great job of tugging so hard on Danielle’s extensions that they fell off, as Danielle showed everyone during her interview days later (this is good TV). But my personal favorite moment was when Ashley was being interrogated by the police about accosting Danielle and she just calmly states, “technically, I pulled her extensions, not her hair, so it’s not really a part of her.” I died. Thank you, Bravo, for filling my head with this mindless but outstanding programming. Oh and just for the record…Team Teresa!

I always love making someone’s day and I definitely did when I announced the winner of my Lulu’s giveaway back in May. Although the lucky winner, Cheri, had chosen a specific dress off the site she wanted to win, she just happened to be a local and was able to visit the Lulu’s warehouse directly! There she was able to pick any dress of her choice and my, did she choose correctly! Being a model, she was sweet enough to send me some great photos of herself in the dress she chose and she looks absolutely stunning! Congratulations again, Cheri! I hope to be able to continue hosting such great giveaways and remember, if you are a winner, take photos so we can feature you on the blog and/or Facebook page! I love my readers and like spotlighting you guys as much as I can 😉

This has got to be the best use of social media to date. The Old Spice dude that we have all come to know and love for his hysterical commercials that first aired during this year’s Super Bowl, decided to comment back to fans’ tweets via video replies. Glorious doesn’t even begin to describe it. He responded to celebrities and popular tweeters, sometimes going back and forth several times (as with Alyssa Milano). But my favorite is the clip I have affectionately named monocle smile. We love you, Old Spice dude! Keep up the good work!
Roxæ says
If you haven’t yet you NEED to see Paprika. It’s kind of like Inception in the respect that people can enter your dreams for some real-world purpose but in Paprika it’s used as a form of therapy and I think the similarities probably end there but I think you’ll like it. It’s visually stunning as well!
Melificent says
Thanks for the heads up, Rox! Haven’t seen it but now really really want to!
jo says
The movie was awesome… the best i’ve seen in awhile… and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as gone up a couple of notches with this movie.– best action seen in the hallway!