Photo via weheartit.com
Wednesday marked a very important day in the state of California that will hopefully have a ripple effect on the rest of the country. A federal judge ruled that Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage, was unconstitutional and it was overturned. Being a fan of equal rights (um, who wouldn’t be?) and a firm supporter of gay rights, I could not be happier. In fact, I can’t believe that any sort of discrimination over whom you decide to love is still an issue in 2010 (or was ever an issue really). Congratulations, California!
Words cannot begin to express how much I love Joshua Jackson. I’ve harbored a pretty ridiculous crush on him since I was about 12 years old. You know, back in the Mighty Ducks era (ducks fly together, man!). I’m pretty sure I had several Big Bopper photos of him wallpapering the back of my door and I’m also pretty sure there is photo evidence of this somewhere in one of my old scrapbooks (scanning day needed soon, me thinks). Anywho, needless to say, I’ve followed him throughout the majority of his career, especially the embarrassingly addictive Dawson’s Creek. And I don’t have to say that I was a Pacey girl, I mean, who would want this guy anyways? So when I saw Joshua’s Pacey Con video on Funny or Die, I nearly…well…died. I am so upset I missed the filming of this because I really would have gotten a kick out of it.
Thursday morning I woke up and made the following tweet summarizing my crazy Bush dream (I have them more often than I’d like to admit). This one entailed me attending one of their shows and having Gavin bring me up on stage with him along with fellow fans I have met via Twitter. I decided it would be funny to tweet at Gavin about it, never ever expecting him to reply. All of a sudden, while I was just casually checking Twitter on my phone randomly during a work meeting, I see it. And I almost choke on my glass of water. I actually had to excuse myself to the bathroom because I just could not contain my excitement. He better realize that I’m holding him up to that promise come September 25th 😉
Everyone knows the bad guys always have more fun and MAC cosmetics has decided to jump on the bandwagon. They have introduced a line influenced by Disney films’ deadly and powerful female villains. The line is slated to release on September 30th and includes nail polish, lipstick, pigment and lip glass just to name a few. Using the excuse that I would like to better be in touch with my darker side, I plan on being first in line to pick up every Maleficent product. Make sure to sign up on their site so you can be the first to know once this new collection launches!
I’ve always known The Arcade Fire was a great band, but was sort of a casual fan. I would listen on occasion and probably could not really pinpoint any songs. I had heard their new album, The Suburbs, was highly anticipated so I was pretty excited to pick it up. I must say, it definitely did not disappoint. It’s one of those I-can-listen-to-you-beginning-to-end-and-love-every-second-of-it kind of albums. Win Butler described the sound as being somewhere between Depeche Mode and Neil Young and I think he really hit the nail on the head. The album embraces both the light and the dark in such a effortless way that has you humming (& dancing to) the tunes morning, noon and night. Also, did you check out the live webcast of their show directed by Terry Gilliam at Madison Square Garden last night? Killer. Definitely one of my favorite albums of the summer.
Rosie says
And it continues to get better. 🙂
M. Dominic says
PACEY-CON. I would have liked to be there too, haha!
Melissa says
That is awesome that Gavin responded to you! 😀
penn says
i ADORE arcade fire <3 <3 they're playing in georgia though… that's as close as they're gonna get this year.
Elsie says
Squeeee Pacey Con!