It’s no secret: I love easy DIY projects! Although I don’t consider myself to be very crafty, I can do spray painting without any difficulties. Promise. And this simple DIY project consisting of a can of spray paint and a pack of mason jars really does it for me. Just think of these pretties adorning a table at an event or even as a centerpiece for a shower – they would be so perfect! And the best part is that they would take minimal time and effort, as well as be gentle on your wallet. I, for one, can’t wait to give these babies a test run. If you are also interested, you can pick up large packs of mason jars at Big Lots for under $15! Thank me later 😉

How fun are these plates from Chik Design? They are a fun alternative to pair with your kitschy frames if you are planning a collage wall or just a unique decoration for your kitchen counter. Unfortunately, they are a bit overpriced ($79.95), but may be worth stalking in case a rogue sale makes an appearance.

Do not read any further if you have not seen the season finale of Project Runway!
Sorry about that, just really hate people who post spoilers. Not all of us can watch real time, especially now with the DVR – you don’t need to be home to watch your favorite shows. I, for one, never start shows on time to avoid commercials. But I digress. I am so upset about the winner of this season’s Project Runway. I completely believe that Mondo was robbed. His designs were unique and creative. The boy has a definite gift and to give the crown of best designer to Gretchen was just such a huge mistake. Not to mention a punch in the face. I never in my life thought I would be agreeing with Jessica Simpson about anything, much less fashion, but I have to give her props for fighting for Mondo (along with Heidi). Gretchen’s line was boring and drab. It’s what I see when I look through countless piles of fashion magazines. Nothing wow’ed me. Nothing was new. Nothing was special. Nothing got me excited. I think Michael Kors and Nina Garcia were wrong wrong WRONG. I would wear every single one of Mondo’s designs and hope to God that he decides to release an affordable line in the future because I would buy all of it. You hear me, Mondo? Call me, sugar.

Oh dear. Episodes like these of Vampire Diaries should be outlawed. How hot were all the men in those suits and tuxes? I just couldn’t handle it. Steven McQueen was especially delicious in it (oh hai, cougar!) and I love his flirtatious behavior with Bonnie! Rawr. The other boys weren’t so bad either. And neither was the plot line! Talk about twists and turns! I understand that it is important to keep Katherine around for the drama and suspense, but man – I wish one of the Salvatore boys would have had the cojones to stake her for good. Damon, get over it honey. She knows how to use you and abuse you. Enough is enough! But seriously, this show is really stepping up its game. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the season has in store for us!

Not only is the iPad a nifty little device that is revolutionizing technology as we know it, but it is now associated with helping autistic children learn new skills as well as independence according to this article from the SF Weekly. Professionals have gone as far as to call it a “game changer” for children with special needs, quoting it as being “cheaper, faster, more versatile, more user-friendly, more portable and more engaging” than other computers specifically designed for the autistic population. Please read through this article, which focuses mainly on the story of Leo, an autistic boy, whose quality of life has improved vastly since the implementation of the iPad in his day-to-day life. It is inspiring and serves to give all of us that feel near and dear to the cause hope.
On that positive note, I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween weekend!
Stay safe but have fun – and I hope you all can share your costumes and adventures with me next week!
andrea says
::sigh:: I was so upset last night that I just shut off the lights and went to sleep. EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT. Gretchen is a been there done that designer and a granola snoozefest. Mondo for me IS the winner. Period. I would wear everything from him, but honestly I feel if he would have listened on that critique from last week and changed the sleeves to the printed long dress then he would have taken the winning spot. I love Mondo and will always be checking for his collection. And when that day comes I will wear his line with more pride cause he did it on his own. Meli can we go to Denver, find him, and have some Martinis with him?
Arlene says
I hate that Mondo didn’t win but I knew he wasn’t going to. PR does that some seasons and seeing as last season’s favorite (Seth Aaron) won, they weren’t going to give it to the ‘favorite’ two seasons in a row. It would have been predictable. Plus, Seth Aaron’s line and Mondo’s were similar in the brightly-colored-fun-artsy way that the judges were going to be wary of rewarding twice in a row.
Mondo’s style reminds me of Agatha Ruiz de la Prada and Miu Miu in that they do that fun, youthful design that younger audiences lean toward. Gretchen had some interesting designs and while it was very… brown… (and not as fun!) it is wearable by a wider audience. Still, A.R.D.L.P. and M.M.’s success shows that there is a place for him in the fashion world!
I can’t stop thinking of how bad I want that first outfit of Mondo’s…