I’ve decided that Vivienne Westwood is a vile and evil sorceress that is hell bent on destroying my bank account. I also place a little of the blame on Rock ‘n Roll Bride for introducing me to her absolutely adorable collection. The second I set eyes on them I became obsessed with having them, along with the heart shoes. I started scouring Ebay and Google in a frenzy, but unfortunately, they are still out of my price range. I’m hoping someone somewhere will take pity on me and purchase them for me. Gosh, this shoe fetish is just getting out of control.

The holidays are quickly approaching (belch), so it’s time to start loading up on that gift wrap. And who wants boring old reindeer wrapping? Snore fest! The always quality French Paper is now selling unique and fun gift wrap in a variety of patterns. I especially like the Sumo print above, but there is something for everyone! It’ll definitely make your present to that special someone even more amazing.

I’ve had my share of fun with magnetic words on friends’ fridges. It’s almost become a party staple (thankfully my stainless steel fridge has magnetic sides). So you can imagine how excited I got when I saw the Potter version! At $10, they are perfect for those upcoming Deathly Hallows viewing parties. I mean, muggles have to entertain themselves somehow (the muggle did what to the dementor???).

I love me a good pair of tights. I don’t get to wear them a lot down here in Miami (I wore some earlier this week – score), I think they really make an outfit stand out. And with a pair of tights like the ones on Lille Boutique, it is impossible for them to do anything but. Unfortunately, a pair of these scandalous tights will put you back a good $65, but I think the Disco Zeus pair are worth it.

I already love Temper Trap. How can you not have been completely addicted to their first single, Sweet Disposition? I mean, it’s virtually impossible to not smile when you hear that song. So naturally, it was going to be a difficult task to follow that up. However, an absolutely adorable video can do the trick and they did just that with their newest video for their latest track, Love Lost. I don’t know if it’s the cute-as-hell little kids or the ridiculous dance routines (or both?), but it totally won me over. Can’t think of a better video to watch to start your (surely) outstanding weekend!
Net says
I e-mailed you re: where you can find some of the Westwood Anglomania shoes for a lot LESS than her retail price. As in $37.
Check it out.
The Broke-Ass Bride says
Um, could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (as in PUHLEEEEAZE) share the $37 Viv West shoe source? I’M BROKE-ASS AND DYING FOR THEM!!!
Meli says
Sure! Unfortunately, the $37 pairs are not the ones we both featured on our blogs, but maybe you’d still dig ’em! They can be found at 6pm.com 🙂