Don’t you love when you feel like you are re-discovering a band for the first time at every listen? That’s how I feel with The Kills. It’s almost like I forget how amazing they are on a quarterly basis and then magically remember. I have no idea why they are so underrated, but I could listen to them all day. You are probably familiar with front lady Alison Mosshart, from The Dead Weather, but there is just something even more special about her already gritty style while fronting The Kills. I love how the band fluctuates between sultry, fun and emotional almost seamlessly. Needless to say, I am beyond excited for their 4th studio album, Blood Pressures, which is slated for release in April! Hey Kills, if you are listening, please swing by South Florida while on tour!

Do you ever have those moments in the office? You know, the ones that can only be described with an expletive (or two)? I know I have, only I didn’t have a neat stamp to mark the occasion as so. The WTF stamp from Paper Source is sure to fix that little dilemma. My favorite little detail are the punctuation check boxes. You know the !? would get used the most.

It’s silly little things like these that really make your home unique. Why have a run of the mill tissue holder above your toilet when it can be housed in a sperm whale??? Although I imagine this was made with children in mind, you can’t stop all of us that are young at heart.

I can’t imagine finding a more perfect outfit in my entire life. Melodramatic? Maybe. But not really. This adorable striped skirt gives Kate Spade a run for her money, as it comes in a variety of different colors and has handy dandy pockets. Unfortunately, it is not available at any nearby retailers in Florida, but it is in such high demand (I blame pinterest), that the website has started an “In Like Flynn” waiting list. How can they ask you which color you would be interested in? Pssh, I obviously want them all!

I try my best to not seek out new places to feed my online shopping addiction, but sometimes, it just happens. Ha, I didn’t even believe that garbage. Thanks to pinterest, I am constantly on the hunt for new online shops, and it most recently lead me to UK’s Lazy Oaf. Yeah, I said UK. I have succumbed to international shipping rates, the addiction is that strong. But I just can’t help myself when their products are this cute. In case you were wondering, the two items featured above are the ones I ended up taking home. 😉
Adrienne says
Ok, I know I’m adding fuel to the fire, but I just shopped ASOS.com the other day — also a UK site, but they have free shipping both ways and they have a great collection!
Meli says
Omigosh, I LOVE ASOS.com 🙂
Jess V. says
Check out joythestore.com. It took real self control not walking out with half the store when I was there.