These rings are just too much. When I stumbled on this photo on Pinterest, I thought I would be able to find a link to purchase them – little did I know they were a DIY project! I was floored…and after reading the simple tutorial, I was inspired to possibly make a trip to the nearest craft store and give it a whirl myself! These would also make really spectacular and unique gifts for girlfriends or family!

These are absolutely hysterical! For those of us that are a little more clumsy than others (ahem), we may feel like we are always explaining our latest bumps, scrapes and bruises (I had a pretty impressive one after slamming my knee into the couch a couple of weeks ago). With these bandages, we wouldn’t have to say a word. In fact, instead we would stand tall, after all, who wouldn’t be proud to say they got a few gashes during a dance off? That’s gangsta’ yo.

I may have made an audible noise when I first saw this while scouring the Internets. What made me love this umbrella stand from the MoMA store so much more is that it reminded me of another favorite product that I have always lusted over: the grassy organizer. I was able to find a hot pink version (!!) at Marshall’s last month for only a couple of bucks, which made me squeal with excitement. So when I saw this great stand, I could already imagine seeing it at my front door. Miami is notorious for its fickle weather, and you honestly never know when the next downpour is right around the corner so it’s not a frivolous purchase, right? 😉

These invitations scream fun, don’t they? If invitations were included in my budget for my 30th, I would definitely be replicating them because I think they would really help set the tone. I don’t even know Sophie & Joe, but I can say that their party was probably nothing short of awesome. What I love the most is that it is such an easy, but sweet addition. You can pick up streamers at any party store, even at local dollar stores, and with a pair of scissors and some glue (or tape), you are set!

One of my favorite blogistas, A Beautiful Mess, is in the process of starting her own fashion line, Red Velvet. A daunting endeavor, no doubt, but after seeing this sneak peek of the collection during a recent shoot, I can say the ride may not be that bumpy for Ms. Elsie. How adorable is this little number? I have been referring to it as a retrogasm. I just feel like putting this dress on (complete with tights, hair and all), buying a shag rug and then cutting it to the tunes of the That Thing You Do soundtrack. True story. Elsie, if you are out there, I am always free for product reviews (wink wink)!
Aliza says
I love this adorable post today!
Marilise says
I LOVE A Beautiful Mess too! LOVE that dress.
Those rings are so adorable, but I’m so not crafty like that. But I may “gently order” my sister to make some for me because she’s skilled in this department, lol! Here’s hoping…
Rox says
ahh yesss ElsieCakes rocks my bloggy socks, on my daily talk list. <3ing the bandades, and your blog posts. 🙂 Meli for president
Megs says
Retrogasm, yessss.
Erin says
I think I’m going to have to try making those zipper rings.
And I need that dress in my life!
Elsie says
Ninja fight! Those bandages are definitely for meeeeee!