I thought the 12 grapes signifying luck for each of the months to come was just a Cuban NYE tradition (maybe that’s just the throwing buckets of water out your door bit). I had no idea that others did the same, but (as always) Martha Stewart clarifies by posting this lovely party detail and adding that it originated in Spain. Definitely makes the grapes look more refined than what my Mom makes me take in my purse to every New Years festivity I have attended since I was old enough to not celebrate at home (looks eerily similar to this). It would also help me avoid hearing, “No te olvides de las uvas!” over and over again for a good solid week.

Speaking of Spain, I will be heading there in less than 3 months now (cue OMGZ moments), so I have been looking around for a good travel backpack. Of course, I’m a bit weary of carrying my possessions on my back (do I sound like a typical American tourist?), but I would be able to deal more so with that thought if my back donned this darling little polka dot number from Asos. Even better? If I am not feeling particularly brave while on vaca, I can use it as a tote bag as well AND it’s on sale. I think the search is over, guys.

I’m pretty sure I’ve gushed about barn doors on the blog before, as they are one of my most recent home decor obsessions, but I had never seen them in such a gorgeous pop of color. I wouldn’t even know where to install one of these babies, but don’t dare me to try. The above pictured idea is a great one, but it almost seems like a waste to hide it in the laundry room, which for us is in the garage. No one would ever get to appreciate its beauty!

Don’t you hate how you can never find the right dress for a certain occasion, but find about 15 when you are not looking? Yeah, that’s how I feel right now looking at this adorably cute, yet sexy dress from ModCloth. Talk about pop of color! It’s the perfect summer soiree outfit, and my closest has been sending it love letters ever since I laid eyes on it while…looking for a dress for a completely different event. Of course.

I’m not part of the cool kids club. I do not own an iPhone 4. I’m actually holding strong to an iPhone 3Gs, mainly because my 1st generation iPhone crapped out on me not too long ago (true story – I take good care of my gadgets). But, I can definitely appreciate all the amazing merchandise out there for the 4, especially these iPhone cases on Indie Cases. They are just out of this world cute, and I feel the urge to have them all – even though they cannot serve and protect any phones in my household (my poor hubby is struggling not to destroy his current iPhone 3G). Shopping problem? Maybe. Ms. Stefani really pegged me when she penned the line, “a fatal attraction to cuteness.”
sabrina says
Don’t worry…the grapes and buckets of water out the door aren’t just a cuban thing. Us Colombians do it too! I love that grape idea though…definitely classes things up a bit.
Oh, and I must have that dress, although I don’t really think I can pull that off quite yet.
Anika says
Oh I can TOTALLY picture you in that dress.
I hope you’re getting it. 😉
ThefashionableESQ says
Don’t take a backpack to Spain, they’ll take your shit and you wont notice until its too late. TRUE STORY.
Carry your items in a cross body bag that sits on top of your….so that you’ll notice if anyone tries to get their stick fingers in there. The end.
Anonymous says
Good to know!
& yes, that dress is just all sorts of lovely!
Anonymous says
If I had the extra wiggle room, I would!
Once we no longer have a huge trip looming in the near future, it’s on!
Anonymous says
I totally remember this happening to you!
The good thing about that backpack is that it switches to a tote bag – easy to death grip against my body. 🙂