Was anyone else granted access to Pottermore this past weekend?
I was, and I almost careened my way off the road when I noticed I had received my owl (yeah, yeah. I know how awful it is to read your email while driving). Needless to say, the first thing I did when I got home was check the site and…it was down. I checked again: still down.
It wasn’t until I returned home after a raucous night with my derby sisters at 3am that I finally was able to get in and enjoy some of the site. I won’t spoil, but…So.much.fun. I managed to be given my wand before 4am, when I realized I was absolutely ridiculous, the biggest nerd on the planet and needed some sleep.
Unfortunately, it seems the site has been experiencing an overload so I’ve only been able to access it randomly, but during one of those random visits, was able to to be sorted! I couldn’t believe how nervous I felt during the (very non-obvious) quiz, and found myself thinking what I would do with myself if I was sorted into another house that was not Gryffindor, when I saw the lion crest emblazoned on my screen. Looks like I had nothing to worry about!
If you were one of the first million as well, let’s be friends!
Make sure to leave your Pottermore user name in the comments (I am FireboltCastle54)!
And for all of you still waiting for your own owl, no worries! J.K. has stated that emails will be sent in the next 2 weeks to the remaining early adopters, so keep an eye out in your inbox!
Claudia Ely says
Congratulations on getting your letter and being sorted into Gryffindor! =D It is so much fun – I’m already ready for Chamber of Secrets to be open on there. (I’m BronzeFeather155 =) )
Krista Paddie says
hi, i’m a lurker and i just had to comment! i got in this past weekend too and i can’t believe how STUPIDLY NERVOUS i was about being sorted! but yeah, gryffindor here, too! if you don’t mind, i’ll add you – i’m willowchaser8. i haven’t had a chance to sit down with it much since this weekend when it was out so much, but hopefully i can catch up soon! (i really just wanted to get sorted anyway!)
Anika says
I still can’t believe I completely missed out on finding the quill and getting in early! So sad but I’ll get there eventually. & I’m sure I’ll be just as nervous about being sorted. 😉
– anikaguldstrand.wordpress.com
Anonymous says
It opens next month! No worries 🙂
Anonymous says
Hi there, Krista lurker! 😉
Thank you so much for commenting & for adding me on Pottermore – I’m completely flattered anytime I discover someone other than my family and friends read this blog. Hope you stick around!
Anonymous says
Hello, fellow Lion! I can’t wait to see all the fun extras that are in store for us with the rest of the books – I’m loving what I see so far! 🙂
ThefashionableESQ says
I am so confused. I want a wand too, I think.
Anonymous says
Last time I checked, I don’t think you were a Potter fan, mangey 😉