Loafers are the new it item on every fashion blogger’s list, but pair them with glitter and my heart melts. I mean, possibly to the same extent Kristen Bell‘s did when she had a sloth come to her birthday party. I’m serious. And you want to really elicit a meltdown? I can no longer find them on the Dolce Vita site. NOOOOOOOoooooo!

I’ve been dying for a vanity area in our master bedroom, and when I saw this photo on Pinterest, I think I may have squee’d out loud. I love the clean, modern vibe paired with the fun pink striped wall. I got so excited that I showed the hubs and did not ask, just told him we were doing this. I pretty sure some expletives were involved on his end. What? The pink stripes would only be on one wall…sheesh.

For as long as I could remember, I have wanted kooky colored hair. I have tried to achieve this several times in my youth with highliters (I’m serious) and other equally as ridiculous methods. Finally, I got the courage to use some real dye and gave myself some pink highlights (I use the word highlights very loosely). My mother nearly passed out and forced me to dye it back. Le sigh. The rebellious teenager is still in me, and thanks to this fun, temporary hair DIY using chalk, I think I’ll finally be able to satisfy it!

I love the trend of minimalist art prints, so naturally I about died when I saw these for Potter. They are just so stunning! And I am still on my hunt for perfect art to fill up the walls of our home so it’s discovery could not have come at a better time. But the hard part is: which one to get? Do I go with my favorite book? Film? Or design (the time turner is gorgeous)? Decisions.

Sometimes articles of clothing speak to me. And, well this Michael Kors dress screamed at me. HOW AMAZING IS IT??? I love everything about it: from the feminine and sexy silhouette to the bright hue and the great metallic pop of the gold skinny belt. It had to be mine…until I saw the price. HOW DARE YOU DENY ME OF THIS BEAUTY, MICHAEL KORS?! It’s just so rude.
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