Leggings. I immediately think of Daria’s obnoxious sister, Quinn.
You just heard her voice in your head, didn’t you?
I had been on the fence about leggings for quite some time. Probably because I see people mistaking them for PANTS. Pants they are not, my friends. They are meant to be worn with an over-sized tunic top or any top that at least covers your crotch and the majority of your backside. If not, I (and everyone else) sees more than they signed up for at any given moment (especially when you bend over – yikes).
With that said, when worn appropriately, I have grown to love them. They are comfy and easy to wear, plus the fandom world has taken to creating all sorts of character and story driven leggings. This means more room in your luggage when packing for conventions, as you can just roll them up into a tiny little log of goodness. However, their price tag has always made me think twice. They usually run between $60-100 and I just couldn’t justify paying that for a pair of leggings I would just wear to specialty events.
But low and behold! I have discovered this fantastic Etsy shop that I have decided to share with all of you, velvetcoc. Unfortunate name aside, they sell amazing fandom leggings for $18 and are currently holding a 2-4-1 sale!!! The seller is located in China, so you will have to wait for your goodies with bated breath, but honestly, it only took 2 weeks for my pair to arrive. Not too shabby! Want to know what I’m picking up next? See my favorites below:
I’m crossing all body parts that she’ll add Doctor Who inspired leggings next!
The Fashionable ESQ says
You are crazy. I like the angry purple clouds.
Anonymous says
That is a Lumpy Space Princess & you would love her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmC1vknpqgg&feature=kp
Anika Guldstrand says
Nice find! I don’t wear leggings much so as tempting as the fandom ones are, I haven’t taken the leap to spend $60-100 on any. Under 20 seems much more reasonable. 🙂
The Fashionable ESQ says
That was magic. My favorite is when she tells at the princess and the princess shrugs.
Jessica says
velvet coc…haha. love it. I love the leggings too, especially the one with the map of middle earth!
Anonymous says
That’s what I’m sayin’!!!
Anonymous says
That one will definitely be my next purchase!
Nerd Burger says
I own the Adventure Time leggings from Black Milk. They are so well made and warm. I love the deatheater leggings.
Sophierocious says
Nice price! How’s the quality?
The Pixel Party says
I’ve just been getting into these leggings too (i liked them in theory before, but im finally taking the leap into actually wearing them). Thanks for the resource on these awesome leggings! I’ll definitely have to check them out, since, you know, I’m actually wearing them now! hahaha
Anonymous says
I don’t have any issue with the quality, but we’ll see how they fare over time!
Anonymous says
I’ve never purchased anything from Black Milk but I’m sure they’re great!
Anonymous says
Of course! Enjoy shopping 😉