Who Leggings; Leggings are a girl’s best friend. Why? They are easy to pack, feel like you are wearing pajamas and come in all sorts of fandoms. What’s not to love? Personally, I’m all about this new pair from TeeFury. Although I’m not the happiest with their sneaker line (dude, lay off the priciness), this new line of leggings is spot on. I wish I would have been able to snag a pair before next weekend’s MegaCon! Boo hoo.
Gryffindor Tee; This is one of the better designed house shirts I’ve seen in awhile. I love the large house animal combined with each house’s characteristics. Naturally, I chose my own house to showcase, but fear not. They come in all houses, shapes and colors (er, maybe). It’s also temporarily on sale so treat yoself while you can!
Potter flats; OK, so there is going to be kind of a theme during this post of must haves. I am completely and utterly obsessed with this beautifully designed flats from Electrique Sole on Etsy. Considering the prices I’ve seen for other custom shoes, they are a steal at $45 and are completely adorable. Again, I wish I could have scooped up a pair for Megacon, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to take advantage and order them for April’s first Geek Girl Brunch!
Hogwarts T-Shirt Dress; Another great Potter find. This shirt dress looks so comfy and the perfect addition to any convention wardrobe. Just pair it with a denim jacket and some cute sneakers and you are good to go. Added plus? You can rock this adorable look for Sunday brunch, running errands or date night! It’s so versatile and subtle. A total score if you ask me.
Anika Guldstrand says
Love the house baseball tee!! Definitely great design.
Danielle Eskdale says
Although I’m a Hufflepuff, I LOVE the baseball tee. So glad they have the other houses too. Actually that website has a whole host of awesome Potter tees. Thanks for sharing!
Joie_Fatale says
I LOVE baseball style tees! And I want to get a Slytherin one for me and Ravenclaw one for my hubby (matching, without really matching lol).