Needless to say, after 7 years of marriage and a heartbreaking loss, we are SO excited to welcome a little bit of magic into our lives this coming October! I can’t wait to share the journey here on the blog, and hope to bring all the geek chic you expect to mommyhood.
Accio baby!
Nerd Burger says
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! That is wonderful news.
Kati Rose says
Congratulations! This may be the cutest announcement I’ve seen 🙂
Joie_Fatale says
Congratulations! Such exciting news! And the announcement is awesome!
Gwen Stacy says
YAAAY! OMG! I can’t wait to see little baby bits pop up on the blog and to see you be a fashionably geek mommy!
Angie Y says
OMG!!! CONGRATS!!! This is adorable!!!
melificent says
Thank you so much!
melificent says
Aw, well thanks!
melificent says
Thanks girl! There was no other way to announce in my eyes! We found out while at Wizarding World!
melificent says
Haha thanks! I can’t wait for those features either!
melificent says
Thanks so much Angie!
Mallory @ bad.wolf.brunch says
Kendall Ashley says
Emily Hendricks says
I am so happy and excited for this. I cant wait for the future!!!
melificent says
Thanks Mallory!
melificent says
Thanks Kendall!
melificent says
Aw Em! We are pretty excited ourselves. This kid is going to have so many amazing tio’s!