Remembering where I was just a short year ago, it is hard to believe how far I have come, but I know how I got here. 2014 was hard, emotionally and physically for me {more on that here}, but when 2015 started, I was determined to turn that all around with the power of positive thinking. Sure, you may think that’s cheesy, but I was able to accomplish so much with something as simple as changing my mindset.
I’ve been following the really amazing and positive-thinking blogger, Gala Darling, for years now. She preaches about how you should love yourself and ways to make your life one you are proud of. One thing in particular that resonated with me was setting intentions for the new year (and throughout the year too), writing them down and meditating on them (with or without sage burning, tarot & crystals if that’s not your thing). I did just that one cool morning in January and also paired it with writing a list of toxic people/feelings/situations that I wanted to rid myself of for the upcoming year. I took this list and burned it. I can’t tell you how therapeutic and cathartic it was to watch all those people and things that cause me anxiety and negativity burn up until they were no more (full guide here).
For the rest of the year, I focused on these goals hard, and made myself and my happiness a priority. I got pregnant & had a beautiful daughter, I was asked to join the Fashionably Nerdy team, I won a Geekie Award, I was asked to write an ongoing column for an online publication, I became a chapter officer for Geek Girl Brunch South Florida. But more importantly, I was happy and I truly believe having that positive mindset helped me achieve all those things (with a bunch of drive and hard work, of course).
So if you feel yourself going down a negative path, or are unhappy with how things unraveled, write down how you would like things to change in the new year and participate in this little ritual. It can be so powerful! I know I can’t wait to go shopping for my supplies for my own (yes, more goals for me – bigger & better!!!!).
I’m aware that this post was a little different from the usual, but I’ve noticed a lot of friends are down in the dumps this holiday season. I thought maybe this simple little activity could spark some positivity, anticipation and love for the year to come!
B. says
I’m glad you had such a great year and I can’t wait to see what 2016 brings you!
Usagi says
I’m glad 2015 was such a great year for you! And thank you sharing about Gala Darling. I need more positive thinking in my life and not to be scared to try and go for new things.
Here’s to amazing things in 2016!
chelseakinjo says
Thank you for sharing! I’ve spent the last year trying new organizational techniques and have realized that even a tiny bit of intentionality has helped make me happier and better at my job. I’m definitely going to take a page out of your book and try and few of these techniques to be even more intentional with my time and efforts. It’s so inspiring to see other women with similar passions be successful, so can we see more uplifting posts like this, please?? Hugs!
Alice - The Geeky Burrow says
I wish you and your family a wonderful 2016 <3<3<3
Danielle Knapp says
Thank you so much for sharing this. I just recently discovered Gala Darling and I think she’s just wonderful. I’m hoping to really make 2016 a good year. 2015 wasn’t bad, but I want to end a year that I’m happy and proud of.
Natasha says
This is such a lovely post to read and just the kind of thing I needed to read today! I’m so glad that this year has been good for you Mel, you definitely deserve it and your posts over the last year have brightened my day and introduced me to some amazing geeky things too! Wishing you all the best for 2016! – Tasha
Leah Chiasson says
I liked your little ritual. It’s something I’ve done a few times to either ask the universe for something or to release something. It definitely seems fit to the new year and I’m kind of feeling the need to do something similar. Best wishes for 2016.
Kat Khatibi says
Molly Skywalker says
Wonderful post!! Can I ask you about your tarot cards??? They’re beautiful, where did you get them! I’ve been looking for a simple beautiful set for ages!
melificent says
sure! they are from The Wild Unknown:
melificent says
thanks tasha – glad it helped!
melificent says
aw thanks chelsea! I can definitely share more posts like these!
Kay says
Lovely post! I’m glad 2015 was a great year for you, and I completely believe in the power of positive thinking to affect it so. I too like the feeling of starting a fresh new year, and I can’t wait to see what 2016 brings!
Natasha says
More than welcome!
E-Rad's Cantina says
Oh, I love this. I might do something just like this to bring in the new year. We recently had a disaster happen with my family over this last weekend, and I think starting the year off with positive goals and thoughts is just what we all need.
Oh, and Gala Darling is the best. She’s so wonderful!
Megan Gotch says
LOVE all of this! I have to work on it! Thank you for sharing and love you babe! xx
Molly Skywalker says
Thank you! I found them! They’re amazing! I ordered myself a set straight away!
Mallory @ bad.wolf.brunch says
Love this!! What a great way to start the new year and make your dreams come true!
xx mal @
Aimée Julia Cottle says
Fantastic little ritual to start the new year. I’ve done this before, well, the part about burning the list of toxic people/things in your life. I find it very cathartic. Happy new year! Hope 2016 is great for you, and your loved ones. x x