Happy Meal Dress; I am absolutely in love with Bonne Chance dresses, even though I am yet to be able to purchase one. They have cute collars and kawaii designs, so what else do I need in my life? I especially love this quirky one because I often don’t get to eat fun things with all my allergies, so I opt to wear them instead as often as possible.
Potter Umbrella; In Miami, it is almost a necessity (no, no it is) to have an umbrella on hand at any moment. You never know when the sky is going to open up and ruin your day. The fact that I can have a Potter themed umbrella would make toting the enormous thing around worthwhile.
I Believe in Stardust; I am instantly drawn to anything mystical and magical in nature, so of course, I need this adorable pin from Ban.do. I love the simplicity and the pastel colors. I think it would look absolutely fabulous on my growing fandom jacket. Who says magic can’t be a fandom?
Anchorman Pencils; Who doesn’t love Anchorman? Watching this film is seriously one of the few simple pleasures in my life (no, I still have not brought myself to watch the train wreck of a sequel) and I love that some of its signature quotes are immortalized on pencils. This would be so great as swag for a Geek Girl Brunch!
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