I just cannot believe that I am drafting up another birthday post for Luna. That cheesy saying of the days are long, but the years are short? Yeah, it’s been around so long because it is facts. I don’t want to blink for fear of missing these amazing little moments. I think it’s the reason that I’ve stuck with the 1 second a day app this year – I want to remember all those little, seemingly mundane, moments that aren’t mundane at all.
But back to the birthday girl. Luna, you are pure magic wrapped in glitter + sunshine. You make everyone you encounter smile with your big personality and charm. You hate wearing pants, and would prefer to live your life in the most puffiest and glittery skirts and dresses possible. Every moment of every day is a special occasion for you, and I love that you inherited my lust for living. You wake up, and instantly ask what we are doing – the same exact way your mother woke up every single day before having you. You are fierce and tenacious: if you want something, it will be yours. You will achieve it, and all while having fun.
You are strong as hell, but also sensitive and cautious. Like your daddy, you will not take risks and are not rash. You thank us for everything – from the cool events we take you to, to cuddling with you a little extra longer before bedtime. You are extremely independent, and want to do everything yourself. You have a flair for performing and the arts. You love music and dancing, and want to play guitar when you are older like Daddy. You like to steal Daddy’s camera now and snap pictures of your every day. Despite loving the arts, you say you want to be a doctor AND a chef when you grow up.
Your favorite color is blue, your favorite animal is a unicorn, your favorite princess is Belle, and your favorite movie is The Greatest Showman. Your first celebrity crush is Chris Pratt, and you refer to all cute boys as “Owen’s” because of it. You love princesses and mermaids as much as dinosaurs and superheroes. Your imagination knows no bounds and you create the most beautiful worlds, where you are always saving others or hosting elaborate tea parties/events. You refer to us as your “team,” and we take the label seriously. We will be there for you, no matter what, until our hearts stop beating, cheering you on and lifting you up. You have taught me so much – mainly to appreciate the beauty of the every day. To be grateful for this beautiful life I get to share with you and your Daddy.
Happy birthday, my moon lion.
You are my greatest adventure.
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