I don’t think it’s a secret: I love TV. A lot. The hubs and I have quite the DVR queue and we are proud to list off all our favorite shows, often to other’s complete horror. It’s hard to believe that a few years ago, I never watched TV. In fact, the only way I would get hooked on a series was if a friend let me borrow their DVD’s. Now I can’t live without it! There really is nothing like coming home, cracking open a beer and disconnecting from reality for a good few hours.
That brings me to summer. Summer is usually an amazing time filled with sun, fun and friends. But it is a terrible time for an avid TV watcher: no new shows. I have to admit, it’s been pretty difficult. We’ve had to fill the void by adding new series to our Netflix queue (The Tudors, Mad Men, Flight of the Conchords, etc.), but it just isn’t the same. I miss my shows. And thankfully the wait is almost over (well, except for LOST)! September is right around the corner and with it brings new programming!
What am I the most pumped for?