I ordered a big girl item from my friend, Nadia’s, Etsy store (which I featured earlier this month) and I was excited to get the package the other night. What I wasn’t expecting was the adorable surprise included: Smashing Pumpkin clippies! For those 2 people that still do not know, I am a huge Pumpkins fan and have been since I was about 13/14 years old. Unfortunately, I just got the most terrible news also this week: Drummer, Jimmy Chamberlin, decided to leave the band. I don’t know if I can fully be behind a band with the Pumpkins’ name without Jimmy being involved. We’ll see. Either way, these clippies made me smile from ear to ear & I plan on wearing them a lot. Actually, I’m wearing them right now! I love my friends.

Although I never read the books as a child (or maybe I did, I have the worst memory), the new trailer for Spike Jonze’s Where The Wild Things Are is nothing short of spectacular. It perfectly captures the wonder & imagination of childhood and wraps it into a beautiful 2 minute montage. Choosing the Arcade Fire as the musical backdrop couldn’t have been a better decision either. Basically, this is magic.

If any of you ever steal this idea, I’ll beat you over the head. Totally serious. And then I’ll reference this post. And hit you again. Got it? OK. I am in no rush to have children, but I’ve always thought it would be adorable to have a superhero-themed baby shower if I was having a boy, complete with different superheroes for each table, brightly-colored capes & masks that everyone can wear as party favors and maybe these guys! Etsy store, Naked Peggies, offers you the chance to make your own superheroes! That’s right: custom superheroes to look like your children, significant other or friends. Best part? They are only $10. You think they could make me a Sylar one? 😉

My blog got a record high amount of hits on Wednesday and I’d just like to thank all of you for reading my posts and for all the comments regarding my haircut choices (ps; I chose #1)! It seriously made me really happy to finally see who is visiting and to see you all involved. I only hope to make this blog better, more interesting and entertaining. I truly love Melificent and am glad to see some others do too! This is only the beginning 🙂

I picked up my copy of the Twilight Blu-Ray last weekend and am really upset I didn’t think of having a themed out viewing party. Is it too late now? I don’t think so! Party planning will be that much better thanks to Hostess with the Mostess’ Twilight themed bottle labels. I adore them almost as much as Edward Cullen! So what do you girls think? Would you come to a Twilight party at my place? Appropriate vampire attire enforced, of course.
Megs says
I wanna come to your Twilight party!!!! WTF why do I have to live a million miles away. I mean, even though I’m totally Team Jacob I could totally dig a Twilight party.
Meli says
Why don’t you come down for the New Moon premiere – that’s probably when I’ll be hosting the party 😉
I question why we live a million miles away from each other constantly. It’s just not fair.
Bonnie says
Are you kidding me? I’m so there for a Twilight party!
I think that I’m going to start reading the books over again,
I’m going through major withdrawal.
Adri says
I <3 Where the Wild Things Are! I had no idea there is a movie. Gotta check out the trailer. The clippies are adorable. That was so thoughtful of Nadi. And, I am definitely in for the Twilight party! I just started Breaking Dawn (couldn’t wait for the flight, lol, but I am taking Wuthering Heights with me, one of my faves, which the books have inspired me to reread). I must say, though, I’m still very intrigued by Jacob. He’s becoming one of my favorite characters! I must be a glutton for punishment and unrequited love.