I can’t lie – it’s been difficult trying to find a new hottie for each week’s hump day. I feel like I’ve already featured everyone out there, but I’m happy to say that now I’m pretty sure that could never happen. There is always some ridiculously good looking dude out there for me to share with all of you. Aren’t you lucky? This week brings you Chris Zylka. He’s been on a few tween TV shows such as Hannah Montana and 10 Things I Hate About You (I’m still confused as to WHY they defamed one of my favorite movies, but whatevs), along with some indie flicks (one with the strangest synopsis ever, Kaboom) and bad animal attack oens (Shark 3D, anyone?). But it seems as if he’s going to be more of a household name than just some pretty unknown face that I happened to find on JustJared – he’s playing Flash Thompson in the Spiderman reboot featuring another hump day hottie, Andrew Garfield. I was already looking forward to these new films (still trying to erase that terrible song & dance number in Spidey 3 from memory), but now I’ll definitely be picking up tickets opening weekend. What can I say? I’m a sucker for pretty boys (& geeky comic book inspired flicks).
*All images found via JustJared, Tumblr & Google image search
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