If you don’t believe there is something sexy about Matt Bellamy, you definitely have never seen him perform. This small little British Lima Bean (as I affectionately call him) really lights up a stage. He is the true meaning of showmanship. If you have not heard of his band, Muse, please make sure you change that. And soon. Perfect opportunity for local readers? Muse is finally headlining a South Florida show in February and you can buy your tickets on Friday! I can honestly say that attending their concerts are like a religious experience, and I can’t wait to watch them front and center behind that barricade. Who is joining me?
Birthday Week To Remember
First off, I missed you all terribly. I realized that my heart literally hurts when I am not blogging – it is such a sweet stress reliever (and so much fun). Unfortunately, as most of you know by now that are involved in my day-to-day, I am back on the study train. My second certification exam is at the end of September, and it must be passed. But no fear! I still intend to blog regularly – you just may see gaps here and there. I am hoping I can reward myself on the weekends by making a post or two in between studying sessions.
With that said, it has been awhile since I have properly updated you all on fun events in my life (that do not revolve around an outfit post) – although I was wearing a pretty superb one to this one that should have been documented. It seems pretty tedious to have to reiterate my love of the band, Bush, on this blog, so if you are not aware of the love affair you can fill yourself in here, here and even here.
Nearly a couple of weeks ago, I went on yet another Bushtastic adventure with some of my girlfriends to Tampa. I saw it as a birthday extension (I can never have too many of those), and a much needed escape from reality. I had found out a few days earlier that Bush would be playing a Shush show the afternoon of their official show, which is a short, bare and acoustic set, usually reserved for radio appearances and the like. Needless to say, after seeing so many other fans’ footage from these events, I wanted in and the only way in, was unfortunately to win. Well, boo hiss to that. A quick fast forward, and the lovely guitarist from the band (and superior human), Chris Traynor, caught wind that I wanted to go and granted me and my friends access. I was in disbelief. Who the hell does that for their fans? Oh yeah, this band.
Yes, everyone, I am back!
I can’t lie and say that I am happy to be back though – I had such a great time in Southern California, I really wish my time there didn’t go so quickly. I always have a hard time when I need to come home from California trips, I can definitely see myself living there pretty happily. Unfortunately, it is not in the cards so I am satisfied to have plenty of friends (and family) allowing frequent visits to be easy and enjoyable.
The first thing that made this particular trip enjoyable was my sudden and random attainment of a pair of Muse tickets. Those of you that know me well, know that I have been aching to see them live for ages. Sure, I saw them open for U2 in Tampa last year, but it only served as a tease. Unfortunately, the band never makes its way near Florida – not that that has stopped me in the past from trying to secure tickets in other cities such as Boston or New York. However, the tickets always sold out immediately, leaving me to think that it was just not in the cards for me to see Muse headlining their own show.
So you can imagine my surprise when a friend from The Knot voiced via Twitter that she could no longer go to a Muse show in Anaheim the day I arrived in Los Angeles. In fact, she just so happened to tweet about it the same day that I found out they would be playing a show while I was there (they were actually playing several). I channeled my inner John Locke and took it to be destiny. They were meant to be mine!
Muse: Live from Seattle
Muse may not give us tour dates (that’s right, I’m talking about Florida), but they were generous enough to record their amazing Resistance Tour in its entirety for our viewing pleasure. The band released the footage on Myspace and it will definitely turn all those non-believers into die hard fans. With their monstrous video pillars and powerhouse performances, you can’t deny that Muse is one of the best live rock acts out there.
I’ll continue crossing my fingers that they will bring their show down to the Sunshine State, but for now, I’ll settle on watching this pretty epic display of win.
Muse “The Resistance Tour – Live”
MUSE | MySpace Music Videos
For a complete list of tour dates, click here.
Lovable Friday!

Once Kate Spade was the queen of prep, but I absolutely love the way the brand has evolved over the years. It can still be labeled as preppy, but in such a fun and whimsical way. Their pieces are so girly and fun – I don’t think there is one Kate Spade item I don’t like and these flats are no exception. The gorgeous shade of purple, the adorable little present bow, I just can’t handle it! Get your own for $95 at Zappo’s.