Oof. I’m so sorry guys. I have turned into the worst blogger ever! Things have been busy and life has been getting in the way yet again so the blog has been on the back-burner so to speak. Lovable Friday completely escaped my memory and now I don’t have much of a Weekend wrap-up for you guys either. The good news is that our weekend didn’t consist of much, since we pretty much stayed at home, so there is not much to write about this time around!
What I did want to do was mention the passing of the King of Pop. I know there is much controversy as to what he did behind closed doors and why we are now celebrating a man that may have molested little boys, but the way I see it, death should always be mourned and you cannot deny the contribution to music that this man gave the world throughout the years. I also dare any of you to state that you never sang along or even choreographed a dance or two to one of his songs when you were a kid. I know I, for one, grew up listening to Thriller (because of my older sister) and was pretty much mesmerized by all his music videos. There is one thing that is for sure: the man was a legend, an icon, most probably the biggest celebrity and one of the best entertainers in the world (OK, that is more than one) and whatever crazy ass shit he did in his personal life had no bearing on any of those things. So, rest in peace, Michael. Your music will live in our hearts forever.

Also, RIP Farah Fawcett, Ed McMahon & now Billy Mays. What is going on with the universe? People need to stop dying, ok? My little heart doesn’t like it one bit.