I know there are a lot of sites that promise to send you goodies on a monthly basis based on your style and interests, but I was instantly drawn to Popbasic‘s take on it. They send you what they refer to as a “micro collection” every month that features one basic and two pop (or statement) pieces. It fit my style aesthetic perfectly – as you all know, I love to pair basics with bright and bold pieces to really make an outfit, well….pop! It just seemed like a match made in heaven. And now the site is prepping to launch next month, and I could not be more excited!
I also love that their idea of a basic is a polka dotted blouse, and that each parcel comes with a little beauty or lifestyle surprise. You can decide to buy it as an entire parcel or select individual pieces, which will be priced between $50 – $100 (with free shipping). If this, too, is all making you clap like a baby seal, click here to check out the first collection video and here to save your spot (it’s free)!
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