While feeling sick over the new years festivities, I decided to take the opportunity to catch up on TV. One of those shows was Once Upon A Time, which was recommended to me by almost all my friends. Of course, they know me well because I loved it! Not only does it feed my love of fantasy and fairy tales, but it is from the creators of my most favorite show ever in the universe, Lost. So it’s a win/win. Then throw in Ginnifer Goodwin‘s adorable wardrobe as Mary Margaret (aka; Snow White) and I’m dead.
Seriously, how cute are her outfits??
She always looks adorably geek chic, and that pixie cut she is rocking is just too much.
That’s why I got inspired to put together my own style boards featuring outfits Mary Margaret herself would be proud to parade around in while hanging in Storybrooke, Maine.
Anika Guldstrand says
Her outfits are totally cute! I watched all of season 1 on Netflix – I should probably find a way to finagle watching season 2. 🙂
Also, I’m seriously in love with that first outfit you put together. Forest green sparkly sweater? Swoon!
Anonymous says
Check on Hulu – we actually are trying a free trial of Hulu Plus and it’s been great so far! 🙂
Sparkly sweaters always win!