I’m proud to say that this was one of my contributions to The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick‘s 5 Fandom Friday prompts. Obviously, I’m a fan of binge watching shows. I try my best not to go full-binge, so that I don’t feel empty and sad inside when I no longer have a show to watch, but I have been known to spend the better part of a day sprawled out on my couch, gluten free pizza in hand watching episode after episode of a new fav. Don’t judge me, you know you do the same.
So here are some of my current binge-worthy shows (plus: you can find them all on Netflix, so have at it!):
1. Parks & Recreation; I am pretty sure I was the last possible person to get into this show. Truth is, I started watching it as it aired on TV, and I just didn’t think it was that funny. Thing is, apparently it got better the 2nd season, when I had long abandoned it. Fast forward to now, and seeing all the hilarious montage clips my friends were posting on Facebook in honor of the show’s ending, and I had to give it another chance. I am so so so glad I did. It is literally my happy place. I’m currently on Season 5 (of 6) and I never want it to end. I love all the characters like they are my actual friends, and know I’ll cry ugly tears once it’s all over.
2. Daredevil; Now, this may be a bit too heavy to binge, but we were able to finish it over the span of a week. This show is spectacularly written and directed. It’s just a joy to watch. The cast is perfect, the fight choreography is even better, and I was hooked from the first few minutes. Best part of it is, it only gets better with each episode. Plus, I’m so proud of Charlie Cox! I’ve been a huge fan of his since Stardust and I’m happy to see that he’s going to make it big (very big) with the success of this show.
3. Peaky Blinders; I never would have thought a period gangster series would hook me the way this show did. I have one of our tattoo artists at Ocho Placas to thank for the recommendation and soon after, addiction. I spent the Christmas season watching Peaky Blinders while sipping on Adult S’mores (mmm, I miss alcohol) and I couldn’t have been happier. It’s very similar to Boardwalk Empire, except it is way faster paced, which I appreciate, and has even better character development. I especially like the few, but powerful female roles they focus on.
4. Luther; The best cop drama to ever exist. Hands down. Period. Lets not even touch on how Idris Elba is the perfect man, and focus on the actual show. It is so engaging, you will be on the edge of your seat during every single episode (and there aren’t many – thanks British television) and constantly rooting for Luther to break the rules so he can get things done. And Alice? Best (severely) flawed female character in a long while.
5. BroadChurch (S1); I mention Season 1 because it is the only one on Netflix at the moment, and also because it was more binge-friendly than the more recent season. This show had me shaking, sweating, and my heart beating. It had so many twists and turns and played out like a well written thriller you cannot set down for one second. It also put you through the ringer emotionally like none other. Oftentimes, I would be spent after watching an episode, but I just had to see more. I really wish they were able to keep up that momentum with Season 2, but I guess you can’t strike gold twice!
Stephanie Medeiros says
Parks & Rec is like the go-to “feel good” binge show, hands down. Also, yes to DD!! I have to watch myself because I’m trying to savor each episode instead of just blowing through it haha.
B. says
I love that Parks & Rec is showing up on all the lists so far! It’s THE perfect show to binge!
melificent says
It really is! Great minds think alike 😉
melificent says
I totally felt the same!
Kendall Ashley says
I’ve been really curious about Peaky Blinders. My brother has said good things about it, and I just love Cillian Murphy. I need to try that one.
Kati Rose says
I just started watching Luther and LOVE it. I don’t know how I went so long not realizing it existed. When the BBC has a hand in a show, they certainly know how to do things right. Plus, Idris Elba. Enough said.
Anika Guldstrand says
Aww man makes me SO happy you finally got into Parks & Rec!! Leslie Knope is my spirit animal forever. <3
melificent says
Definitely put it on your must watch list!
melificent says
I felt the same way when I started watching!!!
melificent says
She’s basically the best fictional human being ever.