This was a tough one. After all, what is classified as a guilty pleasure? Something you are embarrassed to like? Chances are, what is embarrassing to me is not to you, so this may be a little hard to nail down. I also wasn’t sure if it had to be traditionally “fandom,” so I just threw in everything I kind of feel ashamed to love. 😉
1. My Little Pony; OK, so I’m not necessarily ashamed to love this show, but since it is a cartoon geared towards little girls and I’m a grown adult, it could be viewed as silly. I’ve watched countless documentaries on the “Brony-life” and have collected ponies since I was a child. I actually have a little tote bag full of original 80’s ponies that I’m going to pass on to my daughter. I don’t even want to look at how much some of them may go for on eBay. Because sentiment is worth more, right?
2. Katy Perry; As I’ve mentioned in posts before, music is a fandom to me. I tend to mainly love rock ‘n roll, but deep down inside, I’m a sucker for really cheesy pop. I hid my love of Katy Perry for awhile because I figured it was super lame, but then I just let my katycat flag fly. I love her message of being yourself and not taking life too seriously. My fandom was solidified when I got to go see her live with my fellow Geek Girl Brunch officer, Aurora. Baby, you’re a firework.
3. Britney Spears; Yep, so remember what I said about cheesy pop? Britney probably started it all for me when I was in high school. My fan status is not exactly something I bring up in every day conversation, but I absolutely adore Britney and her ridiculous antics and music. I actually have been to all of her tours except for the Onyx Hotel and her current Vegas residency. Does anyone want to fly me out? I’ll bring you back a souvenir. 😉
4. Raptors; Another one that I’m not so sure I should be embarrassed about, but hey. It can be a little strange, so why not. Ever since I read the Jurassic Park books back in middle school, I’ve had a sick fascination with the raptors. I guess that is where my “bad boy love” began because they were clearly vicious and terrifying, but I just wanted to hug one. I don’t have to tell you how happy my heart was when I saw the newest installment portraying the raptors as the heroes. And how I cried when one of them met their unnecessary demise.
5. Parading my fandoms; Now this may be something that all us fangirls do with no remorse, but at times, I realize that it may be embarrassing (but mostly for others). When Twilight was out and I had freshly read the books and was obsessed, I bought a silly “I love boys who sparkle” tee and wore it out in public. Multiple times. This caused some of my friends to not want to walk anywhere near me. I often feel the need to buy matching fandom shirts for all my friends and have us wear them out together somewhere. I want to dress up for…everything fandom-related. I just get overly excited and want to scream my excitement to the world. But you know what? I’m not going to apologize for this one. Deal with it.
B. says
Loving raptors is NOTHING to feel guilty about! *waves around the raptor love flag*
melificent says
Thanks for the support 😉
Kendall Ashley says
I’m totally with you on the cheesy pop music–especially when I’m having a bad day. Nothing turns a day around like some old school Britney!
Mallory @ bad.wolf.brunch says
Katy Perry is amazing! Went to her concert and my friends and I were the only people there without kids… Oh well – I started following her since her Warp tour days on the side stage. Well Britney – she is just queen!
xx mal @ bad.wolfbrunch
Natalie Patalie says
I have totally bought my friends matching fandom shirts! They won’t all wear them at them same time though 🙁 The closest I ever got was convincing two of my co-workers to wear DC costume t-shirts with me to work on Halloween. Sigh.
Mariko says
Not gonna lie, although I maligned her viciously while being a college music snob, Britney has gotten me through many a dark day lately. That lady knows how to WORK!
melificent says
Glad I’m not alone!
melificent says
Don’t worry, I was one of those too! No shame in my game!
melificent says
Hahah. Getting people to match is hard! I’ve always wanted to do a big group cosplay!
melificent says
You gotta work, bitch! 😉
ALifeMoreKawaii says
I re-named mine Little Fandom Pleasures, because I feel 0 guilt. ^_^ I LOVE when people love My Little Pony. Friendship is Magic is HUGE in my life. Jen and I watch the show, listen to the music, have memorized the music, buy collectibles and just for fun toys, have stuffed animals (including a crocheted pony for each of us from my mother-in-law, and for Valentine’s Day, Jen got me a Build-a-Bear Applejack (pony most like me) and Applebloom (who’s voice I can do, and I love her)!!! We eventually want to cosplay as human versions of our favorite ponies. Oh, and art, I love pony fanart. ^_^