You may remember my review of the newest geeky girl subscription box, FanMail. I absolutely loved the inaugural box and thought it was one of the first geeky boxes that is truly worth the fee. I got so many amazing goodies from so many different fandoms that I basically didn’t know what to do with myself. What could be even better?
FanMail decided to partner up with me, and offer all my readers $2 off their next box with the code: Mel2OFF! Isn’t that completely wizard? I thought so! I’m especially excited for this month’s theme: Super Sheroes. You know you are going to get some pretty amazing stuff crammed in that little box with such an amazing pool of ladies to choose from!
Remember to give the ladies behind FanMail some love too by adding them on the following social media outlets and telling you how much you love them and their company:
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