I am very far behind in my comic reading. I started Sandman, but to be completely honest couldn’t get into it at all (I know, blasphemy). Then I was recommended two indie comics by a friend, and picked them up at our last visit to Tate’s Comics. I am so hooked on both Saga and The Wicked & The Divine! I’ve only read the first volume of the two, but I cannot get enough. I know I’m the last one to jump on the Saga bandwagon, but better late than never I say!
The Wicked and The Divine is a more fun story (although complex as well), about gods that come to Earth every 90 years, but only for 2 years, before they are gone again. This time, they have returned as rock/pop stars. The art is flipping gorgeous (I mean – look at that cover!!), and I’m loving the character development. I can already tell this is totally going to inspire some future cosplays!
Saga is an epic space opera. It has said their influences stem from Star Wars, and I can definitely see that. It’s a story rich in characters, with a war raging in the background. I’m just getting to know Alana and Marko now, and their little baby Hazel. However, the span of Saga focuses on Hazel and her life, so I can’t wait to dig in deeper to the storyline. I like that it pushes boundaries and is so fantastical. Basically, I’m all about it. Gimme more.
Have any of you guys read either of these comics?
Do you love them as much as I do?
Fill me in down below in the comments!
♡ Kristin ♡ says
I love both of these series so much<3 I just tried to pick up the second volume of The Wicked and the Divine but they were sold out so my LCS ordered me a copy that I can grab tomorrow!
Usagi says
I adore SAGA so much. The art is amazing and I love lying cat. I am reading the trades so I am behind. I started Wicked + Divine vol.1 and I am loving it as well.
E-Rad's Cantina says
Saga is the comic recommended to me to start reading comics. It’s so beautiful and such a good story. I have only read as far as the second trade, so I need to get on that! It’s so funny you talked about The Wicked & The Divine, because I literally finished the first trade before I went to bed last night, and then woke up to this post! I’m actually talking about it on my blog in the next couple of weeks! I love Image Comics. I also recommend Chew and Rat Queens (both Image as well). They are my absolute favorites EVER.
melificent says
Ah! I have to get on it – I’m planning on swinging by my LCS this weekend and doing just that!
melificent says
I absolutely love lying cat too! Glad to hear someone else is behind on Saga other than me!
melificent says
I’ll definitely look out for your post on them & thank you so much for the rec’s! I’ll pick them up this weekend at my LCS!
Kay says
I found Saga to just be so breathtaking, both the story and the art. I’m glad you’re enjoying it! The Wicked and The Divine has been on my list to start for ages, and I think it’s going to top my Christmas list this year haha!
While I adored Sandman, I can definitely see how it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re not hooked on the initial story, I don’t think the rest of the volumes would really grab you either. I also found that while I enjoyed all the stories, the art was a bit up and down per volume. Some amazing, some I really didn’t enjoy.
Anika Guldstrand says
Ugh I’m so behind on all my comics it’s wacky. LOVE Saga though! Good choice. I’ll totally check out The Wicked and The Divine. Thanks for the tip. 😉
Kendall Ashley says
Wicked and The Divine has been on my to read list for a while now. It looks SO GOOD.