Well, the honeymoon period is definitely over.
Little Luna has us working around the clock, and the days are no longer being defined as “easy.” She has some pretty killer gas, which can leave her screaming in hysterics, and we just recently had to administer a suppository after a full 24 hours of no poopy diapers. I can’t tell you how much fun that was (spoiler alert: we cried more than she did). She isn’t eating quite as well as she was the first 2 weeks with us, so now we usually have to wake her up for feedings and kind of force her at times to complete 2oz. This seems to be the way it goes with IUGR babies, so it will be an uphill battle with her in regards to gaining weight. Speaking of weight, she is now at 7lbs, 5oz!!! She’s finally about the size of an average newborn & is starting to grow out of some sleepers & rompers, which is really exciting!
Unfortunately, it looks like she is starting to develop a flat head, so I have to be cognizant and carry her more often (as well as increase tummy time sessions). Luna isn’t at the weight necessary for baby-wearing (8lbs), so this is making it really hard to balance my day-to-day to-do list and baby (I’m typing this post one-handed). I’m sure this will be a lesson in prioritization . 😉
Overall, I am so proud of our little nugget. She continues to surprise me every day (she has managed to turn over 6 times in a week during tummy time), and makes me want to be a better person. Sometimes it’s still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I am a mother, and I have a kid. When I really let that sink in, at times it can be a little nerve-wracking to be honest. But then I stare into her eyes and know we are going to be just fine.
Kay says
I hope her feedings continue to improve/go well for you! I feel you on that. When my little was a newborn, she wasn’t gaining weight so we had to wake her every three hours for the first few weeks and also force her to eat. It can be so exhausting. Sounds like you two are doing great though – hang in there for the tough spots!
Dina Farmer says
You will! I know I was a wreck when my little one got here. But it sounds like you three are getting on well and I know live will shape and change with each milestone she reaches.
Elsie Rodriguez says
Awww, you are rocking at this new mommy thing! Love you both. The suppository story broke my heart. Poor little nugget.
melificent says
Thankfully since I wrote up this post Luna has been eating like a champ! I do still have to wake her up most of the time though but it could be worse. Thanks so much!
melificent says
I figure it’s a lifestyle shock that effects everyone in someway or another!
melificent says
Aw thanks monkey!
Yeah, the suppository was no fun at all. Thankfully she hasn’t needed it again since!
Kendall Ashley says
I’m sorry things have started to get a bit tougher, but it sounds like overall y’all are doing great. She is precious, and I hope her feedings continue to improve!