It’s incredible to me that I have a 3 month old baby – where did the time go? I’m about to start back up at work, and I can’t lie. Not only am I sad, but so nervous. Will I be able to juggle every thing on my plate? This is the true test of mommyhood right here and I’m about to be thrown into it head first! But, back to Lu…
She is a new baby! Thanks to Zantac to alleviate her reflux, Luna and I have such fun and smooth days together. We have a little routine together that works so well. She still hates tummy time and gets bored of locations, so I’m constantly switching up where we do it: her playpen, the crib, the changing table,etc. Although she’s still not a fan, she’s tolerating it for sometimes 10-15 minutes straight and up to 30 minutes a day, so w00t! Turning my phone’s front facing camera towards her as she does it really helps.
She also loves to go out! This kid takes after her parents – she is her happiest out and about checking out new scenery and fresh faces. This makes us super happy because like I had mentioned before, cabin fever was setting in. Now I’m just trying to find the time to focus on me. I haven’t painted my nails since before she was born (I’ve just been sticking on decals), my eyebrows are a hot mess & I forgot what it is to style my hair (I’m lucky if I get to wash it during the week). When looking at all the things I have to accomplish in the week ahead, they take the back burner, but although not a priority when on paper, I do get bummed out when I look at my haggard reflection in the mirror.
For all those mama’s that read my blog, how did/do you find the time to pamper yourself?
Can this even be done during the first few months of baby-dom? Am I being naive to think it can be?
Danielle Knapp says
It took me a good 6 months before I found time time to pamper myself right after August was born – having me time was so important though.
gamerwife says
That smile! Three months and already super photogenic. says
My daughter was maybe 2 months old when I cracked and said “Enough is enough… I need a haircut.” I took her with me to the salon, sat her at my feet within reach while I got my hair cut. I left there feeling so much better! It’s the little things…
Meredith says
Hi there! Don’t know if you remember Ben and me from agencynet days, but I heard you had this precious little lady. Congrats! We had our son in October as well. He was an IUGR baby also, and we dealing with reflux ( ugh!) Anyway, I can now wash my hair twice a week! Woo hoo! For in between days I highly recommend the dry shampoo from Dry Bar. It makes my hair look even better than when o have time to wash and blow it out.
Kay says
I would have to say that my entire first year of mommy-hood consisted of me looking like a haggard wreck. Not because I had a tough baby (she was an easy peasy baby) but because I just kind of fell so hard into motherhood everything else slipped under the rug. Until I’d see pictures of myself and go WHAT HAPPENED? Then around 10 months, I kind of remembered oh yeah, I’m this whole other person not JUST a mother. And I slowly but surely came back into myself. So don’t worry if it takes time…finding a balance is hard! But the fact that you can recognize it is a good thing; then you can start to plan for it and make time for those little self care things that are so important! Little Luna is as adorable as ever!
melificent says
It is so so important, but so so hard to do!
melificent says
I live for that smile!
melificent says
It really is the little things that can change your attitude!
melificent says
Meredith! Oh my goodness! What a small world – I can’t believe all our similarities. Are you guys still in South Florida? If so, I’d love to meet up for a play date with our {extra} little ones!
melificent says
It really is a hole you quickly fall into! I’ve tried my best to keep my identity as mine, but being a mother is such a huge part of your life that it’s hard to separate at times.
Meredith Smith says
I know, I have to admit it was comforting to know there was someone going through such a similar journey. We have been back in NYC the past five years. Missing SOuth Florida in this blizzard though!