I can hardly believe that we are standing on the edge of a half birthday. Luna is 5 months old, and although Mommy is very ,ย very tired (I have a newfound hate for daylight savings time), she could not be happier. Every day little Luna’s smile lights up my life. She continues to be the happiest baby and is learning new things every day! She is getting her helmet off this week, is rolling both front/back and back/front and trying to shuffle her way around when in her play pen area. She squeals like strangled dolphin when she laughs and is obsessed with her dogs – often reaching out to touch their fur and giggling when they run around the house.
She has discovered her feet, and cannot keep them still. Most of the time, she is working on a way to fit them into her mouth. Speaking of her mouth, Luna has just started the teething process. Everything goes straight into her mouth, including many of my body parts. However, one of the cutest new developments is that Luna will reach her hands out for either myself or her dad so that we can place it in her palms.ย ย She will then caress our faces (she loves her dad’s beard!) and pull them towards her own so she can give us open mouthed kisses. I absolutely melt.
Now that her helmet is coming off, I have to transition her into a bassinet instead of the Rock ‘n Play she’s been sleeping in since birth (it is a main culprit for flat head). I am totally tormented because, being a new mom, I am terrified she will die in her sleep and I often spend sleepless nights in bed just staring at her breathing. I will no longer be able to do this obsessive staring since I cannot see her when she’s in the bassinet (it’s higher than our bed). This would require me to physically get up and peer over it in order to check on her. Mommy is not cool with this new situation. So I could use some encouragement and a reminder to stop being so neurotic. Or at least to try. ๐
Here’s hoping I’ll be victorious at our next update!
Danielle Knapp says
All new moms are neurotic about sleep – I still check on August and he’s 4 ๐ I love when they finally get their feet in their mouth!
Kendall Ashley says
She’s getting so big! I love her little St. Patrick’s Day headband! And I can imagine how paranoid you are about her dying in her sleep. I was always really paranoid about that when nannying and babysitting, so I can’t imagine how amplified that is with your own child! I think being scared and worrying too much is just a part of the game being a new parent. I think it just takes adjusting, but you’ll feel less and less of a need to monitor her every breath as you get used to the new arrangement, I’m sure. ๐
melificent says
Oh man. It will never subside!!!! ๐
melificent says
She really is! & thank you for the comfort. We are on 3 or 4 now (I’ve lost count of everything and anything) and so far, so good!
Meredith Smith says
well we took neurotic to a new level and now use a movement detector under the crib mattress. We moved him from a rock n play to a crib in our room, and he rolls to sleep on his tummy. I can’t see him from my bed without wearing my glasses, but I can see the flash of the detector! I did feep better whrn the pediatrician said it was good he can roll to his tummy. They say it’s academic and reduces the SIDs risk.
Kay says
I had the same problem when we transitioned our daughter to her nursery instead of in the room with us. I was so terrified of her not breathing. Honestly, at first, you may sleep worse (I did, I woke up constantly to check on her…she was sleeping through the night and I was up every ten minutes haha!), but you will adjust! Promise. ๐ And if you’re really stressed about it, just take every precaution you can to calm your brain…no loose blankets, etc. You can do it!
Aimรฉe Julia Cottle says
My mum was, apparently, the same. She would stay up all night checking I was still breathing. Eventually, though, she relaxed a little and I’m sure, so will you. Good luck x http://www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x