I absolutely love finding new shops for Luna. I’m really picky with the way I dress her and have entirely too much fun styling her in the morning (yes, it is styling and not dressing). She used to hate getting dressed, but I notice that she’s gotten much more used to it these days. She even stared totally enraptured when my best friend was showing me her baby’s newest outfits. I think I may slowly be creating a monster that will buy me out of house and home. 😉
With that said, I like unique and fun pieces that show personality because lets face it: they are kids! If their clothes aren’t fun now, then when! That’s why I totally dug Swanky Shank when I discovered their shop on Etsy. It really stood out to me because their pieces were so kitschy, and their scripted slogans were so beautiful! Plus, their store header states that they make clothes for the free spirit – and that’s exactly what I want to raise. My free-spiritedness (word? yes?) was definitely stifled as a child coming from a Latin family in a very conservative city (yes, Miami is conservative). Now as an adult is when I’m really “letting my freak flag fly,” but I don’t want Luna to ever think she has to bottle that up.
Jen was beyond amazing and even made a custom piece for little Luna that reads “Geek Chic.” How absolutely perfect is that? The quality of the apparel is on point and I can definitely see Luna wearing these to death. Plus, with the relevant pop culture references, she is sure to get a bunch of attention – which this little almost-7-month-old adores!
Instagram Outfit //
Onesie; c/o SwankyShank
Jeans; Target {similar}
Headband; H&M {similar}
Geek Chic Outfit //
Onesie; c/o SwankyShank {custom}
Donut shorties; AliExpress
Top Knot; PoshPeanutKids
Danielle Knapp says
Perfection! I adore the geek chic onesie <3
Elsie Rodriguez says
So adorable!
Kay says
So freaking adorable! Love both the onesies.
Kendall Ashley says
Oh my word, too cute!
Aimée Julia Cottle says
Adorable! x http://www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x
melificent says
Ack, so do I!
melificent says
Thanks monkey!
melificent says
It’s hard to choose my favorite!
melificent says
Thankies 🙂
melificent says
She’s just too much!