I’m sure this post needs no introduction. By now you have heard of The Museum of Ice Cream that is taking the States by storm. It’s a candy colored tribute to everyone’s favorite dessert (wait, what do you mean, it’s not everyone’s favorite?), and has turned into a Instagram sensation. Basically, it is so up my speed that it made me come out of hiding (kidding – not really?).
The hubs packed up his favorite camera, and we went on a very quick date night to visit the “museum” (it’s really an art exhibit) and then head right back home. I have to give him a huge high five for these shots. He nailed each and every one, and we still managed to have a blast together despite some long lines, obnoxious Instagrammers and “the rush” we now feel as parents to get back home.
The experience started off by getting your “ice cream fortune” read by this lovely little lady, and then you were on your way to 4 floors of different pastel colored rooms – each perfectly styled to make your Instagram shots look flawless. You also occasionally got some ice cream – none of which I could enjoy because – surprise! – I’m allergic to vanilla and that ish is in everything. No joke. But lets face it. No one was there for the actual ice cream.
I was pretty in love with my outfit for the event. I shopped on Nasty Gal for the first time during a killer after Christmas sale (still happening omg), and I am so freaking obsessed with their clothes and quality now. Consider me a loyal customer for life. I wanted to wear something that was fun, but that at the same time wouldn’t take away from the colorful backdrops. I think I did a pretty good job.
Shirt; Forever 21 {similar}
Overalls; Nasty Gal
Booties; Dolls Kill {sold out}
Purse; BoxLunch
Pin; Undeaddee
Although there were a lot of fun rooms, my favorite part of the entire experience was the rooftop. It felt way more laid back, and there weren’t as many people out there. Plus, we just happened to be there at sunset, so it was gorgeous and really windy, which made for some fantastic hairography shots. I was also slightly obsessed with the hula hoops and shuffle board.
The sprinkle pool is probably the most infamous “room” of all, and it is a true mad house. We didn’t have to wait long at all to participate, but you are only given what seemed like one minute to get in with about 15 people, get your shots and then get out as fast as possible for the next group. You can only imagine what that looked like. Thankfully we scored a nice corner spot and didn’t have a problem getting some fun shots and boomerangs for the ‘gram. Not to mention, some sprinkles even came home with us…in our pockets, our hair, and yes, even our bums.
Overall, I thought it was a super fun event, but it was 100% my aesthetic.
If it looks like it would be yours too, I would definitely shell out the $40 to experience it yourself in a nearby city.
All photos by Agustin Sanchez.
Kay says
These shots are so fantastic!
Megan Price says
I LOOOOVE these shots. But even more than the shots? Those overalls! You look amazing!
Niki says
Such a fun date idea and these photos are beyond amazing! The ice cream museum here is significantly smaller 😟 And the other pop up exhibits were recently shut down so …..tough times for LA, lol.
Michelle | A Geek Girl's Guide says
It definitely looks very Instagram-y. But also a lot of fun!
❤Cate❤ says
This place looks like a dream to visit, I’ve seen it on IG so much but every time I see it I just need to go it looks so cute and fun xoxo
♥ Cateaclysmic ♥